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趁weekday少啲人就去新开嘅Airside行下街,顺便食埋lunch✌🏼 一行到入到去就见到呢间有咖啡又有健康啲嘅选择,就决定拣佢啦😙 虽然位置唔大,但台与台中间都隔得算远,加上简约嘅装修令空间感十足💓 喺得airside就梗系宠物友善架啦,呢到亦会提供俾毛孩嘅美食,快啲带埋佢哋黎试啦🐶 Was strolling around in Airside when I came across this cute and minimalistic cafe. They offer a variety of menu items for people of all sorts of dietary requirements. Being in a pet friendly mall, there are also food options for your furry friends! 全日早餐 $158All Day Breakfast 除左传统嘅番茄、烟肉、烟三文鱼同炒蛋🍳 仲有打到好绵密嘅牛油果蓉添🥑 佢地嘅酸种面包系自家制,原来系全素架🍞 咬落外脆内软,无论配咩食都好夹😍 当然
Was strolling around in Airside when I came across this cute and minimalistic cafe. They offer a variety of menu items for people of all sorts of dietary requirements. Being in a pet friendly mall, there are also food options for your furry friends!
全日早餐 $158
All Day Breakfast
除左传统嘅番茄、烟肉、烟三文鱼同炒蛋🍳 仲有打到好绵密嘅牛油果蓉添🥑 佢地嘅酸种面包系自家制,原来系全素架🍞 咬落外脆内软,无论配咩食都好夹😍 当然梗系唔少得啲沙律菜,酸酸甜甜解腻一流🥗
This platter of colourful food includes your typical ADB sides, with more special features such as guacamole and their homemade vegan sourdough which had the perfect texture.
希腊乳酪 $98
Yogurt Bowl
钟意打卡嘅我点可以唔叫呢个呀👀 五颜六色嘅水果营养丰富之余,用来呃like真系一流😝 希腊乳酪质地较为稠身,通常味道会有啲单寡,所以连埋啲水果同自己制嘅蓝莓酱一齐食有助中和酸味🫐 而硬脆嘅自家无麸质燕麦脆片可以提升口感,所以全素同麸质不耐症嘅人有口福啦😍
Greek yogurt can usually be a bit sour, but mixed in with their homemade blueberry jam it was perfectly balanced. The also homemade granola on top is gluten free, making this dish a great option for vegans and people with gluten sensitivities.
明太子樱花虾贝果 $48
Mentaiko Sakuha
估唔到呢到竟然有 @wingel 买🥯 店员话佢哋会唔定时转口味,而今日嘅三只味都好特别💖 贝果口感柔韧有嚼劲,带著淡淡嘅明太子香🤤 中间馅料算多,咸香嘅樱花虾越食越上瘾🦐
This is made by a renowned IG shop who specialises in bagels, and they offer different flavours from time to time. The texture of this was so chewy and moist, and the mentaiko and Sakura shrimp added a punch of umami.
双莓昔 $68
Twin Berry Shake
呢杯好靓嘅紫色奶昔啱晒生酮饮食嘅大家💜因为里面只系用左杏仁奶、椰奶、蓝莓同士多啤梨🍓 饮落充满果香又有酸甜滋味,之后再出现椰奶香醇嘅后韵🥥
It is made with blueberries, strawberries, almond milk and coconut milk. This pretty purple drink is definitely a good keto option!
1+1组合 $58
1+1 Combo
呢个组合可以比你先品尝咖啡豆本身带有嘅香气,再饮下加左奶嘅口感😎 来自澳洲嘅咖啡豆个人觉得酸左啲,好彩有隔离嘅短笛咖啡平衡感咖啡☕️
This combination allows you to taste the original flavours of the coffee bean first before the milky texture comes in. This Australian bean is slightly sour for my liking. They have pain from the espresso + piccolo