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食完嘢坐系到倾计,老板走埋尼赶住你走咁收嘢。重要好大声咁叫你自己汁埋碗碟比佢收!最无奈嘅系老板普通话唔好,又系要讲普通话👏我讲英文佢又唔识听😂自己明明讲广东话,系都唔讲👏show off? 两文三语提倡者?如果你系个老板又睇到我嘅评论,麻烦你用广东话口语表达下你嘅见解🙏但系记得唔好用你𠮶homemake mandarin 同我讲,我只系识听人话同正常普通话🥲本人因为长时间没有待在香港,说话有普通话口音。老板估计是因为听到我用不地道的国语后,在给坐外面的客人送毛毯时估意跳过我们桌(我看着他!)随之对我呼来喝去!吃完东西在和朋友聊天,老板就像催命一样收舍东西。收到一半还用不礼貌语气叫我把吃完的碟杯收舍好给他!我不懂为什么到现在还有一股浓浓的歧视在香港这地方。大家去不去这看完自己做决定吧!Due to my lack of time spent in Hong Kong, I speak Mandarin with an accent. It seems that the boss heard me to speak non-standard Mandarin, skipped our ta
最无奈嘅系老板普通话唔好,又系要讲普通话👏我讲英文佢又唔识听😂自己明明讲广东话,系都唔讲👏show off? 两文三语提倡者?
如果你系个老板又睇到我嘅评论,麻烦你用广东话口语表达下你嘅见解🙏但系记得唔好用你𠮶homemake mandarin 同我讲,我只系识听人话同正常普通话🥲
Due to my lack of time spent in Hong Kong, I speak Mandarin with an accent. It seems that the boss heard me to speak non-standard Mandarin, skipped our table when handing out blankets to the customers sitting outside (I was watching him!). Consequently, he started addressing me disrespectfully! After finishing our meal, while chatting with a friend, the boss rushed us to finish and clear the table as if our lives depended on it. He even rudely told me to quickly collect the empty plates and glasses! I don't understand why there is still such strong discrimination in Hong Kong to this day. I suggest everyone visit and see for themselves before making a decision.