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一间收$200一个lunch嘅中环餐厅食物同服务同样劲差,oh my god. 食物方面, 饱系冻嘅, 亦只系最普通嘅饱两片, 以呢个价钱俾出嚟嘅饱系低水准. 唔似其他西餐厅有一篮不同类型嘅饱可供选择. 个前菜Salad平平无奇, 个酱又唔系secret recipe,同你求其去任何一间平价餐厅食毫无分别. 唔明点值$200.另 主菜Lasagne, 又系普通超市叮叮货水准, 又唔热. 个desert d fruits 雪到冰咗, 食唔到.... 咁嘅价钱仲末包Coffee/Tea, 要另俾钱order. How come it worth $200?! While it tries to be an Italian restaurant, the food style is too American and extremely ordinary and below standard. The food you can expect is fast food standard, and even taste worst than Pizza Hut, as an example. Th
一间收$200一个lunch嘅中环餐厅食物同服务同样劲差,oh my god.
食物方面, 饱系冻嘅, 亦只系最普通嘅饱两片, 以呢个价钱俾出嚟嘅饱系低水准. 唔似其他西餐厅有一篮不同类型嘅饱可供选择. 个前菜Salad平平无奇, 个酱又唔系secret recipe,同你求其去任何一间平价餐厅食毫无分别. 唔明点值$200.另 主菜Lasagne, 又系普通超市叮叮货水准, 又唔热. 个desert d fruits 雪到冰咗, 食唔到.... 咁嘅价钱仲末包Coffee/Tea, 要另俾钱order. How come it worth $200?!
While it tries to be an Italian restaurant, the food style is too American and extremely ordinary and below standard. The food you can expect is fast food standard, and even taste worst than Pizza Hut, as an example. The Lasagne there is so supermarket food like, nothing special and the taste is no different than even local Chinese restaurant.
Its coffee is even worst and you would rather spend money in Starbucks for a nice coffee. The coffee bean it used is a very below standard one and that was why its coffee is horrible. Such a coffee is the least thing you would expect from a so-called Italian restaurant. Its drink is too out of the ordinary.
Service 方面仲吓死你: 同差唔多9月个嘅大肚朋友到Grappa's Cellar 食午餐,其间问餐厅员工可否在非常窄嘅枱旁放一张櫈,因想放东西,因买了礼物俾未出世bb。
当我向一位男侍应要求一张櫈,他回覆说得,但要揾,但过了一阵,我见𠮶个侍应已开始serve其他枱,我便将相同嘅说话同另一侍应讲,该侍应立即说不可以,因他们要行。个我们当时被安排嘅枱系系一个enclosed area, 我地又系最后一张枱,故才作出此要求。我对他话我第一次去西餐厅要求一张櫈都话唔得,你们服务都好差。该侍应即刻defend 话佢唔俾张櫈我,我唔可以话他们态度差。我对他说呢个系我comment, 我唔需要你认同,他再说我不对。
我于是对另一侍应说我想同经理讲,当一位所谓经理行嚟,佢表情已反晒眼,好不耐烦咁话你想讲乜。我已经笑住同佢讲我想反映下这意见,你不用咁defensive. 他即时发烂,并用手指不停指住我,话你话要投诉,我咪企咗系到,你讲啦。由于他多次用手指指我,我于是用电话录起去,但该经理开始失控,用自己电话不停用闪光灯当众影我多张相,并不停嚣张说话,最后更将电话放系我枱面,开住录影function, 放系枱面不停影住我,并说呢个系私人物品,不可掂,我尝试叫其他侍应turn off that video, 但无人理会。
一间收$200一个lunch嘅中环餐厅竟有如此服务同经理,oh my god.
Confirm to Openrice this is a real experience, you should see the video already but recommend me not posting it. Other diners should be aware of the extreme bad service they offered, in Central.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)