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this is just another usual family dinner down at the clubhouse.we've always liked this restaurant, the food's not bad, and most importantly, it's near XPmost of the time the food's good, but there are times that it ain't.like last time, i think about a week ago, the food's disappointing x(but this meal's quality is back to normal, and it made me want to write about it, and share to y'all about my dinner ;)we originally just planned to order dishes randomly. however, when we're about to order foo
we've always liked this restaurant, the food's not bad, and most importantly, it's near XP
most of the time the food's good, but there are times that it ain't.
like last time, i think about a week ago, the food's disappointing x(
but this meal's quality is back to normal, and it made me want to write about it, and share to y'all about my dinner ;)
we originally just planned to order dishes randomly. however, when we're about to order food, my dad talked about the family-dinner sets that used to be available (not banquet dinner sets), and the manager immediately pulled out the dinner set menu for us, so in the end, we ordered it x)
for the soup, we had the soup of the day. it's a stewed chicken soup
it's flavorful yet it's kinda light, and it's not oily at all for chicken soup (you know, you sometimes get a layer of oil on the surface of your bowl of soup)
for the chicken, lean pork, and ham were all very tender and were flavorful cuz of the hours of stewing, where the meat had absorbed the flavors.
for other dishes, we ordered spare ribs in Wuxi style, bamboo fungus and amaranth in broth, chicken with scallion in hot oil, and deep fried sea bass with seasonal greens.
last but not least, we ordered an extra dish which is our all-time favorite as well, the stir-fry fresh milk with scallops.
by the end of the dinner, sweet red bean soup and fresh pineapple and watermelon were served as desserts.
it's a satisfying meal (:
but i'd like to pick on a bit about the service. the service were never particularly good, but it's not bad. in this meal, by the end of it, i helped finish the chicken wing. the waiter was collecting our utensils already since they were going to serve us dessert. the thing was, i was still eating, still nibbling my chicken wing, and the waiter just collected my plate and bowl. excuse me? i wasn't done eating, that means i still need my utensils, how come mine were collected?
not that it's a really big problem, but it sort of hit me at that time cuz i think that he's supposed to wait for me to finish before clearing up my utensils.
but in overall, everything's fine, and most importantly is that the food's good enough (: