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整体而言比之前差左90% Signature 点心 1)烧卖皇 完全同之前唔同,只虾唔见咗,啲肉又霉。2)煎肠粉 iced cold 3)粉果 有四粒?超级厚皮 3)红油抄手 劲难食 个汁完全唔系𠮶回事,no garlic, chili, vinegar at all. 5) 福建炒饭 又系冻嘅 6)椒盐九肚鱼 叫做够热而已 May consider close the business unless they change the dim sum chef or the whole kitchen 🤔
Signature 点心 1)烧卖皇 完全同之前唔同,只虾唔见咗,啲肉又霉。2)煎肠粉 iced cold 3)粉果 有四粒?超级厚皮 3)红油抄手 劲难食 个汁完全唔系𠮶回事,no garlic, chili, vinegar at all. 5) 福建炒饭 又系冻嘅 6)椒盐九肚鱼 叫做够热而已
May consider close the business unless they change the dim sum chef or the whole kitchen 🤔