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周末有事要去一趟南丫岛,民以食为天,医饱个肚先去做事!呢度系我好钟意既地方,位置方便唔算「隐世」,但就有一个特别既outdoor位,望著蓝天白云沙滩食早餐woohoo!He got Everything. Basically composed of literally everything. Haha! Quite impressed that they got fruits sided. Everything餐真的好饱!Smoked Salmon and spinach egg benedict. Typical! Portion is enough for an empty stomach! Highlight: The iced cappuccino is smooth! It’s worth coming to Lamma Island simply just for a brunch then do some light hiking.
He got Everything. Basically composed of literally everything. Haha! Quite impressed that they got fruits sided. Everything餐真的好饱!
Smoked Salmon and spinach egg benedict. Typical! Portion is enough for an empty stomach!
Highlight: The iced cappuccino is smooth!
It’s worth coming to Lamma Island simply just for a brunch then do some light hiking.