澳門的連鎖茶餐廳,以豬扒包及辣魚包最馳名,茶餐廳更會不斷推陳出新,創出新穎菜式。 继续阅读
食记 (18)
等级4 2015-12-29
1602 浏览
Here I come to Macau again for business trip. After attending an epic party last night in one of the hotel's opening, I was craving for some hungover food. I walked around downtown and found everywhere jam packed. I have decided to stop by a random local Macau restaurant "On Kei" The two-storey restaurant was really welcoming for tourists. Located just in between some of the most popular curry stalls in town. It was not too crowded inside and it took us no time to get a nice seat with air-con. Pork Chop Bun ($14)We have ordered the infamous pork chop bun. The bun was not the crispy type, it was in fact soft and hot, while the pork shop was deep fried with a light coated of batter. Some people said the bun should be very crispy as well as the fillet but for me, this semi-soft sandwich is perfect for my liking since I am not a fan of crunchy food. (My mouth got cut easily with crunchy objects) It was freshly made and the taste was amazing from the thick cut pork. The bread and meat ratio was good to me. Needing no sauce, I would come back again to try more! Pig Feet Red Bean Rice Lunch Set ($35)Since I am already adapted to the inflated rate of everything in Hong Kong, I found things are quite affordable in Macau nowadays. Having a tasty and meaty lunch set for $35 is almost impossible in Hong Kong especially in Island district. I would like to highlight the very unique flavour of this dish. The combination of red bean and pig feet is not common from what I usually eat, but interestingly matching with each other. The plate wasn't overpowered with the sauce and the taste was surprisingly like light stew. The pig feet was super soft it almost melted in my mouth, complemented innovatively with some well-cooked mushy beans. The taste was not too salty at all! It was instead light but gelatin-ie from the collogan of the pig feet. The serving portion was also generous and we two ladies could hardly finish the whole plate. Overall, I would recommend any tourist to come to this restaurant. It is affordable, it is located in the heart of Macau. It is easy to find. The enviornment is spacious and clean. Although the staff wasn't too friendly or helpful, but you can still get to taste some somewhat local food that is totally different from what we have in Hong Kong.  继续阅读
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等级4 2012-01-21
925 浏览
之前在旅遊書見過西灣安記,原來在大三巴大堂路都有分店喎﹗整件豬扒包試下先﹗我其實成日都講,去澳門,滿街食店吃不完,要多試多吃,不過亦係咁樣成日乃野﹗乃野都係好事,起碼下次唔會再去﹗唔洗我多講,你地一睇就知呢個所謂的豬扒包有咩問題啦﹗豬扒包落炸粉我老哥都係第一次見,仲要炸粉九尺厚,豬扒薄一薄,食落完全無味,九唔搭八,食完真係憤怒了﹗我敢講麥記都好食過佢﹗不會再幫趁﹗ 继续阅读
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等级1 2011-12-29
635 浏览
路過此餐廳, 於是便入去一試. 發現所有食物都是有待改善.我們點了蟹子豬扒包, 牛脷膾意粉和菊蜜.牛脷膾意粉和菊蜜很快便到了. 牛脷膾意粉還可以一試, 與其他茶餐廳大致相同. 不過不失. 於是我們熱切期待其他食物的來臨。蟹子豬扒包登場啦.....結果是: 最令人失望的食物. 蟹子還蟹子, 豬扒還豬扒. 乾乾的, 一D 汁都無. 又無味. 全部用材料都唔配合. 簡直是浪費了材料的本身.菊蜜太甜, 如想解渴, 勿試 !服務態度簡直就是惡劣!!! 員工無禮貌得可怕. 試想想, 有誰放假去遊玩時想看到一些不太正面, 不太高興的場面!長此下去, 就算食物質素有所改善, 只怕食客都不會再次光顧. 更何況現在食物質素及服務態度都如此可怕. 继续阅读
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等级2 2011-09-21
376 浏览
返早放工既時間,系我最餓既時候食完早餐.后6小時左右先食野好肚餓好口渴先黎一杯利賓納summer時間最好飲一杯有檸檬片既飲品都好解暑之後要左一份豬扒墨魚汁炒一份炒得好香口 好多配料可是油太多 下次要少油先得味道ok既難怪好多朋友叫外賣都會叫一份 继续阅读
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等级3 2011-08-04
340 浏览
澳門為食之旅第三站。回到大馬路,原意幫襯黃枝記,不過因為實在太多人,所以決定行多陣先食,但結果越行越遠,而且越來越肚餓,最後去左盧氏大屋對面的西灣安記食午飯。剛入去,沒任何期望,純粹因為太肚餓,睇返餐牌都唔平,同香港的茶記差唔多價錢,而且無得加錢加野飲,不過行到勁累,都算啦。我叫左干炒魷魚麵,女朋友叫左焗豬扒意粉。落左單,唔夠五分鐘我的干炒魷魚麵就到,麵身好爽,係我最鐘意的竹昇麵,麵條本身的麵香,再加埋醬汁,淨麵都覺好食,唯獨魷魚就無咩味,可能炒麵要落重味的醬油,不過魷魚份量都叫多,而鬚的部份先叫入味。直到我差唔多食完,焗豬扒意粉先到,但呢個豬意粉實在價得一試再試。先講意粉本身,唔似一哥咁焗到乾哂水,仲係濕濕地,蕃茄汁只有小小酸,勁開胃,似係新鮮蕃茄味,撈埋好好食。豬扒本身好入味,而且好大塊,仲好鬆口,有無落過咩配料鬆肉就唔知啦,但味道中上。服務方面:其實都唔好預有咩服務可言,好多間澳門食店都係咁,野就好好食,但面口就唔係好好,我地坐低左又無俾水,都叫左幾聲先有人應我地,不過咁近大三巴旅遊區,野都叫好食,雖唔算好驚喜,但都叫可再幫襯。 继续阅读
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