33 瀏覽
唔知大家識唔識「如火如茶」呢?原來佢地喺兩個月前已經交接俾佢嘅友好商戶「Trio Coffee」,雖然已經唔係同一個老闆,但佢哋依然保留一部分嘅台式茶飲架🥰 This newly opened takeaway sells both coffee and Taiwanese drinks continued from the previous shop “As Fire As Tea”.呢到最特別嘅賣點就係雲南自家種植嘅咖啡豆,每年都會以人手收採並經過精心篩選,確保成熟度同品質👍🏼 佢地分別用蚣吸,滴漏用埋咖啡機,每款出黎嘅口感同味道都唔同架😲 最重要係呢到嘅咖啡豆係即叫即磨,咁先可以保留到濃烈嘅咖啡香😎 They have their own farm that grows coffee beans, which they will hand pick and ensure all are in good quality. The beans are grounded right after you order, so the aromas are preserved. Trio自家
This newly opened takeaway sells both coffee and Taiwanese drinks continued from the previous shop “As Fire As Tea”.
呢到最特別嘅賣點就係雲南自家種植嘅咖啡豆,每年都會以人手收採並經過精心篩選,確保成熟度同品質👍🏼 佢地分別用蚣吸,滴漏用埋咖啡機,每款出黎嘅口感同味道都唔同架😲 最重要係呢到嘅咖啡豆係即叫即磨,咁先可以保留到濃烈嘅咖啡香😎
They have their own farm that grows coffee beans, which they will hand pick and ensure all are in good quality. The beans are grounded right after you order, so the aromas are preserved.
Trio自家豆-中,深烘培 $33+$5 (轉手沖)
House Bean -Full City
佢哋知道大家鍾意唔同口味嘅咖啡,所以特登整左個menu去介紹啲咖啡豆🙌🏼 我自己就終於濃味啲嘅咖啡,所以就揀左深培😇 店員會先將自家嘅咖啡豆磨成粉,再放入過濾器。熱水帶著咖啡經過濾孔滴落黎,過左幾分鐘香氣四溢嘅手沖咖啡就完成啦🥳 之後店員會進行冰搖,為咖啡添加清涼嘅感覺之餘仲會產生一層泡沫,令口感更豐盈😍
They have a menu which introduces their beans. I chose the ones that are stronger in flavour. After they finished the pour over process, they will shake it with ice by hand which creates a foamy layer.
原粒士多啤梨麥芽奶昔 $35
Whole Strawberries Oat Milkshake
依家天氣咁熱真係想飲返杯凍嘢🧊 佢地選用新鮮嘅士多啤梨,所以帶著濃郁果香🍓麥芽奶自帶醇香嘅麥味,無諗過原來可以同水果咁夾😋 攪拌後嘅奶昔好順滑,但亦食到士多啤梨粒粒,另口感提升🤩
This milkshake made with oat milk and fresh strawberries was very refreshing. It’s a healthy option if you need to cool down in the summer!
巴辣雞肉三文治 $29
Spicy Chicken Sandwich
呢到都會有唔同嘅輕食,例如沙律、蕎麥麵、三文治等等🥪 全部都係即日製作,保證全部食材都新鮮😚 巴辣雞肉其實無乜辣味,但係肉質非常嫩滑,加埋沙律醬、番茄、青瓜同埋生菜味道非常開胃🙆🏻♀️
They also provide light meals. This sandwich didn’t have much of a kick, but the chicken was very tender.
黑芝麻糯米糍 $18
Sesame Mochi
佢哋嘅糯米糍係由本地嘅品牌入貨,而且標明係無防腐劑,咁你都食得安心啲啦😌 咬開之後餡料滿瀉,原來係流心架🤪 每啖都食到芝香滿口,配埋軟糯嘅外皮口感一流👏🏼
All their mochies are made in HK, and promised to be preservatives free. The filling is very runny and spills out once you bite into it.