食評 (9)
等級3 2015-06-09
248 瀏覽
最近有新嘅產品,竟然係有雞蛋仔雪糕,開頭覺得好奇怪,但食落其實超夾,超好食!特別推介梛子味雪糕!椰子味好濃 好似食緊椰子咁 食到有少少果肉 黎到可以試試佢牛奶奶凍不錯! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-06-19
45 瀏覽
經過一年的洗禮,在新都城百佳的小食店能夠生存的,不是一些在其他區甚有名氣的十三座牛雜和萬家燒餅皇,因為環境不能讓它們有生存的空間,哪有人會在百佳想吃牛雜? 吃東西,有時候也要有合理的環境配合的。木子咖啡,試過它們的飲料,兩杯均是不討好,卻見它們在這兒開分店。分店賣的就是這個台式飛碟,餡料即叫即一切,而以上的就是用來做飛碟的機,圓形的模在中間,蓋上去立即把三文治變成漲卜卜的飛碟。這個包裝挺好看的。中間的餡料有四款選擇,包括吞拿魚、煙鴨胸、煙雞胸和煙三文魚,是次點了吞拿魚試試看。內有青瓜、蕃茄和吞拿魚餡,外層未算香脆,中間的餡是有熱有凍,整體感覺是平平而已,試一次無妨的。其實這範圍的小食店大多也試過,再有特別的會寫食評。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-03-24
28 瀏覽
今日逛街逛累了,自不然想買杯凍飲解渴,還記得上星期在「Muzi Cafe」喝過的珍珠奶茶,味道不錯,所以今次亦再度光顧,試試其他款式的飲料。由於個人蠻喜歡芝麻的味道,所以看到drink list上的芝麻珍珠奶茶後,便毫不猶疑的點了一杯,帶回家中慢慢品嚐。喝一口芝麻珍珠奶茶,味道很香滑,奶茶中滲著芝麻獨特的香氣,停留於齒頰之間,而且甜度適中,飲用後不會涸喉。另外,值得一提的是這裡的珍珠煮得煙韌彈牙,水準跟上次一樣,沒有偏差,真的很不錯!打開杯蓋,明顯的看到奶茶面層有著一層厚厚的黑芝麻茸,杯邊亦沾有芝麻的殘渣,大概是製作過程中在奶茶中加了大量的黑芝麻一起攪拌出來才有這樣的效果吧,所以能喝到濃濃的芝麻香味是理所當然的!I like it!!!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-03-07
10 瀏覽
見佢做緊特價;咪黎試下8蚊O既招牌珍珠奶茶~去左收銀度俾完錢,等左陣;就拎野飲啦;成杯野勁難飲...唔知係咩奶茶泥ga???d珠勁難咬......唔知自己飲緊d咩?????同埋佢D野飲吾係特別平..所以..冇下次!!!!!! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-01-02
25 瀏覽
Usually toasted sandwiches are made in sandwich toaster, the finished product is basically a right angled triangle.In the culture of HK, they have been known to be called "flying saucers" although I do not know why, the usual shape is not round and nothing in resembelance of a flying saucer.Finally, I have found one that is round!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Steps making the flying saucerFillings placed on normal square slices of breadSandwich in the toaster deviceEdges cut off with scissorsIt is the same as the normal toasted sandwiches except the toaster has a round imprint on it, after it is toasted, the edges are trimmed off, which is quite a waste, about 23% of the square bread is thrown away.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++There are four flavours, all are made with cucumber and tomato.The flavours available are:TunaChicken breastDuck breastSalmonOrdered the salmon and tuna.Tuna toasted Sandwich:The tuna was in creamy sauce, and was very messy to eat, as the filling kept overflowing when you bit into it.The typical chinese taste, not my cup of tea.I would have liked it if it plain tuna and cheese.Salmon toasted sandwich:I was also expecting this to be nice, but there was too much mayonnaise in the middle making it sickly, and the cuts of salmon were not that nice either, it still had brown/grey bits on the salmon. 繼續閱讀
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