10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
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咖喱牛腩 香魚包 香魚飛碟 馬拉盞撈麵 緬甸魚湯粉 澳門特色脆皮豬扒包
食評 (23)
LAST BUT NOT LEAST I have always wanted to try this place but I did not actually know what cuisine it was until there was an English review.At first I thought it was Macanese cuisine because of the crispy bun with fish, but one of the reviews said it was Burmese.Although I had bookmarked this place I thought the location was in Sham Shui Po so it was not in my Shamshuipo list, I found it accidentally when I clicked the Cheungshawan location.When I got out of the MTR exit I was a bit disorientated because the roads all looked the same, but luckily my instinct told me to go straight-ahead which was in the right direction, but when I reached the street I didn’t realise this shop was round the corner.I was really lucky that I gave this place a visit because they are going to close down temporarily until they rent a new location for the shop.After I tried the food I was addicted and looked on OpenRice to see if there were any other Burmese restaurants around.There were three listed including this one and the other two were already closed down!Hopefully this place will find a new location or it will become the last legend for Myanmar food in Hong Kong until the next one opens.As I see it, there is only a tiny majority that likes Myanmar food and not many people know about it.It seems that it can only do well if they opened a really upper end expensive restaurant with good quality ingredients or open a small joint serving food at extremely cheap prices at a busy location.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Noodles with belachan and curry beef belly:The noodles with belachan itself were only $15 but added extra curry beef belly to it which was an extra $14.The beef had a lot of fat but otherwise the curry taste was ok.The noodles were sprinkled with their home made belachan which had pieces of dried garlic, scallions etc with soy sauce.The noodles were really delicious.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Mohinga noodles:I also tried this because there were a lot of interesting ingredients such as the Banana tree stem, yellow ginger and lemon grass.The banana tree stem was really interesting and tasted like old celery because it had a lot of roughage.The soup was a bit different to how I imagined it to taste, the fish taste was not that strong but it was slightly sour which was why I liked it so much.There were also sliced fried dough sticks which were delicious when it soaked the soup.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fish patty with lettuce in pork bone soup:This was a bit boring because it was just the same as the Chinese ones, however the fish patty was better because it did not have grounded bones.It had a lot of sesame oil in it★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Spicy Fish toast:For the fish toast, there is a choice of toast or bun. I chose the toast because I wanted uniform toast and for the bun, it seemed like there was more bun in proportion to the fish.The taste was so delicious I really regretted not ordering a second, I should have tried the bun version as well.It was filled with finely grounded silky boneless fish.There were a lot of grounded onions, banana tree stems and other goodies, which made it delicious.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Noodles with belanchan:This was a second order, however this time the soy sauce was slightly too sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Hopefully I will be back one more time before they find a new location.To me the whole meal was really cheap and came to $103, so a few years ago I would probably be only paying around $7X.I wanted to try the Burmese chicken too but it was sold out.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Photos of the shop:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★SECOND VISIT:Since they are going close on Dec 4th I came back for the spicy fish bun and dumplings.Spicy fish bun:This was also delicious as well.Pork and celery dumplings:These tasted better than I expected and the celery was nice and strong!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Anyway cant wait to go to their new shop when they relocate!!!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-11-14
69 瀏覽
其實在許多街坊街里的地方,有時都會找到特式小店。滋味堡在長沙彎區祇是小店,大約衹有七、八個座位,雖然店小但都很乾淨及很光猛,沒有給人肥淋淋的感覺。食物種類以小食及麵食為主,午市都會有碟頭飯供應,價錢亦很便宜,街坊生意嘛!睇了牆上的食牌,都不知怎樣揀,最後都係點了 - 緬甸魚湯金邊粉+ 香脆辣魚麭 + 熱檸菜蜜緬甸魚湯金邊粉 - 當我喝一口湯,一種很濃的香矛味湧出來,據老闆娘稱魚湯由魚肉、香茅、薑黄及蕉芯來煲,淋上金邊粉,加上幾片油炸鬼及芜茜便成了;魚湯帶有很濃烈的香料味,我覺得浸在湯裏的油炸鬼更好味。另外,湯中亦發現幾條蕉芯,口感有啲似煮林左嘅竹筍或西芹,據老闆娘稱蕉芯可以清熱,係傳統緬甸湯粉的慣常用料,果然很特別呀!不過細碗在啲。 另一驚喜就係香脆辣魚麭,麵麭烘得麭軟面脆,裏面的餡料更惹味,魚鬆加入洋葱及咖喱等香料,炒得乾身無油;咬一口麭,濃濃香料味的魚鬆滑而不油,可令人再 encore. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-06-23
47 瀏覽
走入去呢間鋪頭第一個感覺好舒服 因為夠冷氣 !!! 望望牆上餐牌好多特別野食.... 唔知道食乜好.....r晒頭.... 於是好人的老闆老闆娘介紹我試下佢地嘅緬甸魚湯粉同咸檸7咸檸7??? 會唔會好咸架???驚驚喎...老闆娘話你試下啦 !! 好好飲架 !!唔會勁咸架 !!好 !我就試左推介嘅咸檸7 !! 真係好好飲喎 唔會勁咸喎 !! 哈哈(最後 我連啲咸檸都食埋...好似陳皮....好食喎)跟住再試緬甸魚湯粉 我選了金邊粉 一黎到見到好得意的湯底..黃黃地色又杰杰地 有啲一粒粒嘅物題 !!原來係魚肉黎金邊粉好滑 唔會一pat野.... 好食呀 !! 老闆娘叫我飲埋啲湯 !! 係好飲喎 !! 唔會飲完口渴..超飽真的好滿足下次再黎試埋其他野食 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-05-07
36 瀏覽
今日睇完人哋寫嘅"食評",咪專登去揾嚟試吓囉...但估唔到又OK喎舖仔細細,不過夠晒光猛;啲撈麵同湯麵又可以自由加餸,鍾意食咩就食咩...爽呀在下覺得"咖喱牛腩馬拉盞撈麵"好好食...掂呀"緬甸魚湯粉"...鍾意食魚嘅就覺好鮮味..."馬拉盞芹菜豬肉餃"就普通咗啲..."冬菇生菜"...夠入味依間嘢有"番卓"嘅理由... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-01-20
36 瀏覽
是日送媽媽返長沙灣後, 便到附近食早午餐. 途經一間小店叫"滋味堡", 標榜緬甸菜及澳門魚湯粉, 於是便入內一試. 店內只有一位工作人員, 應該是老闆娘了. 老闆娘笑容親切, 耐心地向我們介紹該店食物. 之後我和太太點了魚湯粉, 清湯腩豬骨湯麵, 馬拉盞芹菜豬肉餃, 凍奶荼. 老闆娘說魚湯粉主要是喝湯, 粉其次. 雖然湯不太濃, 但味道清甜而不腥. 清湯腩切成小粒, 方便入口, 肉味出奇的濃. 馬拉盞芹菜豬肉餃皮很薄, 亦很好味. 老闆娘說上述食品全是自家製, 我們亦同意, 因為完全感覺不到食物有任何味精或現成材料或雪味, 絶對是值得推介的小店! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)