漁府將傳統的火鍋店破格演繹, 除了火鍋,店裡還有刺身和燒烤. 客人可以以同一食材如活魚,花竹蝦或佐賀和牛等,隨客人喜好選擇不同的食法。 繼續閱讀
05:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 03:00
Visa Master 現金
Live Music
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
生猛海鮮火鍋 生猛海鮮刺身 生猛龍蝦海鮮湯 燒活魚 龍疐三寶(龍疐翅,龍疐肝,龍疐扣) 盬燒海魚
食評 (11)
等級2 2009-06-03
107 瀏覽
openrice 廣告半價推介,於是試試。揀了龍蝦海鮮湯底,味道淡淡的,以為來錯了清湯。本地肥牛:份量很多!但肉質粗劣,肥牛味亦不足。鱔丸:很腥,感覺不太新鮮。菜也不新鮮,很多爛掉的。環境:很多玻璃,感覺很好,但突然發現枱下的玻璃很多污垢,影響食慾。至於服務,各店員都超nice的,仲即叫即到。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2009-06-01
81 瀏覽
之前同朋友嚟食晚飯,叫咗d刺身同燒烤,都唔錯, 刺身夠新鮮. 睇噃個 menu, 同之前唔同咗, 而且仲多咗點心食, 一問之下原來多咗早.,午市. 茶市時間,點心買二送一,盅頭飯只售$8一盅,真係幾抵食。今次同屋企人(一行4人)嚟食晚飯, 想試吓個奶白色湯底,有三款湯底,我哋揀魚湯底,奶白色,飲湯先,再加湯打邊爐, 單單湯都好好味,原來係用三文魚骨煲嘅. 不過一d都唔腥.再叫咗個海鮮火鍋餐,有蝦,蟹, 貝殼類等,而家全部半價($98), 再叫咗兩個本地肥牛, 半價後都係($98), 份量比我想像中多.想再食d刺身, 叫咗隻海鮮刺身船, 最鍾意食0個d海膽, 全部都好新鮮叫咗籃生菜,份量少咗d, 要叫兩碟最開心仲有每人一隻鮑魚送,仲係新鮮鮑魚仔叫咗個烏冬, 每人得幾絛, 份量少咗d,不過冇理由叫多個, 寧願食第樣嘢叫咗d丸, 冇咩特別.我哋從8點幾食到11點幾,d服務都唔錯, 最少冇趕我哋走咁, 而且仲有電視睇,環境夠舒服. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
剌生新鮮, 鮮甜。串燒普通,例如燒冬茹不夠乾身, 燒雞亦唔夠咸。 火煱方面, 奇差, 配料普通, 生猛龍蝦海鮮湯底, 有色無鮮味, 淡! 浪費d湯料! (朋友比喻為比屋企打邊爐差十倍)雖然全部半價 (海鮮好似無), 但由於標價貴, 份量少 (eg 一碟牛肉, 得6-8件左右), 所以不見得好平。以食物質素+價錢, 我地覺得唔抵。經理有善。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2009-02-16
11 瀏覽
地方不太大 , 環境都幾靚 , d服務都吾錯,老細仲親自過黎吹水 , 食物方面 有d 創意 不過味道一般 , 我印象食左個 鱔丸 , 一個滑就吾錯,最後仲有送左一人一隻鮑魚 very good. 有個小食 冰鎮朱潤 幾好食 不過埋單係要另收費的 . 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2009-01-17
10 瀏覽
Was firstly attracted to the restaurant's name as both my bf and I are big fish and seafood lovers. After reading some of the positive reviews I was wanting to see how good this hot pot restaurant was! On n y eve, i chose to have a look with my bf and the restaurant's location being between wanchai and cwb and not close to the mtr stations made it a fair walk (it was cold that night!) and perhaps cos I was quite excited to see this restaurant. Altho the food was quite pricey, the discount and the variety of foods that we hadn't tried before and which both of us are quite welcome to try new foods gave us the push to give it a shot. Upon entering the restaurant, I thought the photo made it look bigger than it actually was as there were not many tables. We were glad that we arrived abit earlier (around 7ish) as there were people waiting outside not long after we sat down. The tables seemed quite small and I did wonder how we were gonna fit the food on (being a big eater myself haha) but there was some space to put stuff underneath the table, which I thought was a clever use of the table's space The staff are professional and friendly giving good recommendations as to what to try and great efficient service. The fish soup base was just so yummy that well matched my great expectations which my bf agreed as he who loves fishing and being a big fish eater himself, said the chef must've used alot of time and fresh fish as adding just msg could not achieve the same results!The portions were good sized and the foods were of high quality. This made us think the price of the bill worth it! A def must try and I would come again as there was so many foods on the menu still to try Like some other reviewers of this restaurant there is room for improvement as I did find the ventilation quite poor as my clothes were the smell of hot pot after I left for a long while! However, I am quite impressed on the insistence of using seafood and fish soup bases rather than trying to fit the great masses of people and offering many choices as this would make it difficult to keep up the high standards. Hope they can attract more customers and their efforts aren't wasted in HK's competitive catering business. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)