13:00 - 23:00
13:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
I came to this cafe, it was a big area, though the tables and the chairs were a little bit smaller than I expected. And if you have a toddler or a baby, don’t expect the cafe to have a baby seat to provide,but they will provide entertainment,like toy collection area for the toys where you can get a toy and play with. We tried one of the desserts, called “Puppy Love.”. It is a strawberry shaved ice with yoghurt, dry strawberries, and more layers. It took 30 minutes, as expected in the menu, quite on time. The “Puppy Love” was actually quite good, with the shaved ice melting into our mouths the moment it touches the inside,the different layers and texture of the “Puppy Love” were not a disappointment. Just be careful when you eat it, because I made a big mess while eating. The only thing I don’t really like is that if you add an ice cream option for HKD$35, you can only get an ice cream 2 times smaller than your palm,so I don’t recommend adding HKD$35 for a really small ice cream. (And if you have multiple people at your table, then everyone needs to pay 40 or more.)
第一次試甜姨姨~小編一向鍾情於重口味嘅嘢🤭第一個刨冰梗係要試花生味!👉🏻爆醬 $128刨冰上淋滿了花生醬及煉奶😋,忌廉厚身,好rich👍🏻小編吃冰的時候,最喜歡一口一口發掘它的內心🫶🏻,感覺好像在尋寶😜下面有層花生粉,份量挺多,跟刨冰的口感截然不同,增加了層次感。加上脆脆的花生波波,成件事好花生🤣🤣🤣不過小編略嫌中間可以再加多一些配料,不然中間有機會吃到悶喔~2人吃份量好足夠👍🏻
11點關門,9:45分就截龍???同朋友去食甜姨姨,9:45分去到,正想入去堂食,然後店員說已截單。不過門口有幾台客想入去堂食,但係門口寫11點關門,10:15 分last order,入面有幾張吉枱。途中有幾台客人想入去堂食,被店員拒絕後,只有無奈,因為當時未到10:15分。難道員工想準時11點收工?原來不是10:15 last order而是埋數,收拾乾淨,等放工,還有一位店員在工作時間吃糖水。哈哈哈。。。員工態度一般般,感覺像趕客,想準時收工。
甜姨姨,位於鑽石山龍蟠街3號荷里活廣場1樓177號舖。 餐廳以甜品為主,主打刨冰,我點了榴槤奶凍$68、榴槤豆腐花$68。 🔸榴槤奶凍$68 ~ 面層有榴槤肉, 奶凍的口感有點像沙冰。 🔸榴槤豆腐花$68 ~ 大大的一碗豆腐花, 配濃郁的榴槤肉, 果肉柔軟,綿密口感。 我們都是榴槤控,所以點了兩款都是榴槤甜品,下次可以試下刨冰。 🏷️溫馨提示~ 整個用餐體驗均屬個人分享意見, 只作參考😊。 甜姨姨 (荷里活廣場)地址: 鑽石山龍蟠街3號荷里活廣場1樓177號舖