港鐵灣仔站 B2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:30
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食評 (40)
等級3 2019-12-09
2095 瀏覽
1. Kimchi Carbonara • This was surprisingly good and was probably the best of the 3 main dishes we tried. Flavor was substantial though it arguably doesn’t taste exactly like kimchi. 🌟🌟🌟. 2. Truffle fries • SO GOOD. Personally not a huge fan of fries in general but they give you an actual dish full of rich truffle sauce. Would come back again just for this! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. 3. Beef Poke Bowl • Was my first poke bowl experience so I have nothing to compare it to but Danielle said it’s the worst poke she’s ever had. I guess that means it’s shit then lol.4. Fatty pork stone pot rice • The only thing unique about this was the sauce. They used some Mexican sauce (consisting of avocado cilantros and some other stuff?). Other than that, not remarkable and certainly not worth its price. 🌟🌟.Overall: Would come back for the fries, but probably wouldn’t pay full price for anything else. Apparently if you book on eatigo there’s 30-50% discount (which we didn’t know at the time 😡😡) so unless we get a discount, not gonna come back next time. . 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-12-06
765 瀏覽
We came here to try it out for dinner and made a reservation through booking app app (which provided a 50% discount). Ordered a few dishes including Kimchi Carbonoara Udon, Bacon Asparagus Skewer, Smoked Pork Belly, Seafood tofu soup, bulgogi beef stone bowl and pork cheek skewers for myself and two friends (in which the staff indicated such dishes qualified for the 50% discount). Quality of food was mediocre at best and not many customers when we visited (three full tables).  However, my friend paid and I admit I should have checked the bill. Later on when we settled the bill the next day, I realised they never gave the 50% discount on the bill. I emailed a few times both the restaurant and eatigo with my reservation number and items ordered and asked for a refund for 50% of the bill. The restaurant never responded and the booking app said that the restaurant was not able to retrieve my receipt (which is very unusual, which begs to question what type of records they keep, if at all) and as such, could only provide a $25 coupon. I am unsure what kind of business practise Bib N hops or their owner runs but it is extremely shady that they would go to such lengths to make a few hundred dollars off of me. Definitely would not recommend this restaurant at all, even if it were free.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-09-14
2211 瀏覽
訂咗飛睇音樂劇,咁啱又過海做嘢所以早收咗,就用其他訂枱 app 嚟呢間食飯。因為時間早所以餐牌某啲食品 5 折。叫咗 2 個飯,三文魚鍋飯係凍嘅,佢夾個類似豉油汁好好味,又唔覺漏,另外叫咗個熱嘅豬肉鍋飯,呢個夾個類似食墨西哥片綠色嘅汁,其實就咁食個飯我覺得味道都得,但加個綠色汁味道我覺得怪怪,反而加小小三文魚飯個汁仲好味 🤭由於 2 個飯收 1 個錢,於是我哋每一叫一杯飲品,朋友飲啤,我就叫個青檸梳打,經理仲好細心問落糖有無敏感,又怕落得少話唔夠可以再加 👍👍食完飯未夠鐘我哋坐喺度玩電話,同經理講有需要同我哋講我哋可以隨時交檯,點知經理話慢慢坐,我哋唔趕客走架 🤣🤣🤣見人開始多我哋都走啦,食咗個平餐都要識做嘛 😬 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2019-09-12
914 瀏覽
係app見到有半價嚟試吓,6點鐘去唔係好多人。坐位闊落舒適。侍應好殷勤加水,好有禮貌,唔會吹落單,吹埋單👍叫咗牛肋骨拌飯,三文魚牛油果拌飯,紫菜黑松露薯條。3樣都好食,薯條係即炸的,嗰兜黑松露醬多到,用嚟幫d薯條沖涼都用唔哂。牛肋骨拌飯最好食係d牛肋肉,好有牛肉味,好香同時又好淋,入口化咗一半,冇渣。唔會因為半價而俾d差嘅食材。用嚟拌飯嘅汁都好好味。牛油果三文魚拌飯好清新,三文魚新鮮,牛油果都好靚。3樣嘢份量都好足夠,睇落唔係好大兜,但係食落就好飽。到最尾3樣嘢都食剩😅 繼續閱讀
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Bib n Hops serves progressive Korean dishes with interesting ingredient combinations. It becomes my frequent lunch spot while my favourite lunch set here is the Salmon Poke Bowl. It has plenty of greens, avocado and dices of salmon. It is a healthy lunch option while the sauce just makes it even more appetising. The other one is Kimchi Fried Udon which is another less heavy option on the menu. It isn’t too spicy or oily but quite delicious.|Salmon Poke Bowl💰HKD128|Kimchi Fried Udon💰HKD118 繼續閱讀
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