港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
2523 7436
Bit Point is the ONLY Place on Hong Kong Island that sells Bit Burger Beer- which is imported all the way from Bitburg in Germany. There are three things that you must order: 1).Bitburger Beer. 2). Bratwurst 3). Pork Knuckles. You're guaranteed a very fulfilled meal along with a great people watching view. 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 03:00
16:00 - 03:00
Visa Master 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Bit Burger Beer Pork Knuckles German sausage
食評 (18)
等級4 2012-11-15
1782 瀏覽
放工同幾個同事搵地方happy hour, 聽聞bit point唔錯但經過今次應該唔會再去....打開menu發現價錢比起LKF其他酒吧貴!!其中兩個同事坐幾分鐘就走但個waitress係咁迫佢地叫野飲迫走左佢地叫左杯mojito, margarita, 3杯hoegaarden.mojito同margarita好難飲......酒同JUICE既比例唔岩, 味道怪得黎有D淡!!又無free nuts, LKF有好多其他更好既選擇!!! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-08-06
947 瀏覽
食完飯搵個地方飲下野吹下水,去左老蘭飲野。喱個場比較靜,冇出面咁熱鬧,不過岩晒我地幾個靜靜傾下計,都唔錯。catalina margarita,Tequila,個藍色好靚,清晰的感覺,亦都似利斯德林haaa~味道少少苦澀,清咸,戴點柑橘味,冇咁易入口,不過個人幾喜歡。酸青瓜+芝士,送酒冇咁寡,喱兩款食物即令我地想m記包入面既配料haaa~兩樣野一齊味道會好點。 繼續閱讀
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恭喜 Bit Point 成功轉型成為猜枚Bar!!! 在蘭貴坊很難找到如此充滿砵籣街 feel 的酒吧!! 恭喜!! 恭喜!!Food and drinks were good as usual. They serve very good pork knuckles, fries and perfect beer. Those were the reason we always visit Bit Point. Lan Kwai Fong is the perfect place to hang out with friends for happy hour. You can just sit and enjoy cold beer without enduring reckless karaoke shouting and prostitutes wandering like in TST and Wan Chai. This week I went to Bit Point in Lan Kwai Fong wishing to enjoy the same comfort but ended up having a good group of 5-6 guys drinking and yelling behind us. Worst of all they started to do this "15-20" drinking game and their noise level made us felt they were trying to warn people off from a major fire. Couldn't stand the noise and knowing bars and pubs in LKF won't allow this kind of games, I asked the waitress if "猜枚" was allowed in the pub as a way to hint her to quiet them down. Surprisingly the waitress said "Yes, it is allowed." I shut myself up, gathered my belonging and friends and left the pub after paying the check. On our way out the restaurant, 3 guys on another table, probably overhead my complaint, looked at me and said "No kidding. I thought we were in Portland Street also."The end of the story about my last visit to this hole. Honestly, it was probably my bad. My friends and I noticed the bar has been traded a few times and is now run by this mid-aged woman, who has this MK, TST mist all over her. It was only a question of time for her to bring in "猜枚" culture to LKF. I hope I am wrong but the things to follow will probably be Karaoke noise and prostitutes. Good Luck LKF!!Speaking of the food (because this is what this page is about) their hot platter and assorted sausage platter are very standard and is recommend to all wishing to get a taste of German food. The portion here is relative big and is well represented by its price. French fries are so good that you won't find them anywhere else expect in McDonald's. If you go to Oktoberfest every year you will find the pork knuckles here are only average in size and taste, yet they are still very good if you can't wait once a year for the super good pork knuckles in Marco Polo Hotel. Not much choice of beer here. Cocktails sucks and you can order the same cocktail more than once in one evening but they taste totally different each time. That tells you the quality of their cocktails. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2009-06-02
309 瀏覽
今次同朋友叫咗一份Bratwurst同埋一份咸豬手。朋友叫咗杯Beck's啤酒,小妹要咗一杯Guiness黑啤。Bit Point 嘅咸豬手比King Ludwig II大碟一倍,全部已經一塊塊切好哂,完全方便哂我大食嘅欲望。不過,啲咸豬手唔夠咸,唔夠味,大碟都無用!反而啲side dish sour kaute同埋potato pureed 可以加分!另外,一碟兩條嘅Bratwurst+ potato salad今次就好夠味,沙律汁酸得好正,連朋友嗰份都比我食咗啲!講到兩杯嘢飲,朋友杯Beck's無乜特別,我杯黑啤一開始都好滑好順喉,但歎耐咗就都係苦,都係唔啱我口味。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2009-05-22
235 瀏覽
二月初十‧冷雨夜 吃完布丁,食友要等下場,而很久也沒有一起喝酒了,就找處地方喝杯啤酒。 周五晚,走下蘭桂坊,仍然是人山人海,差不多所有酒吧都插針不下的,看不出任何金融海嘯的影響,始終是酒照飲,舞照跳。 好不容易才找到一張高檯,這裡的生啤選擇不少,就要兩杯Hoagaarden,兩杯Leffe Blonde。Leffe Blonde麥味香,泡沫不算滑,喝起來不算清爽,但在after dinner喝味道濃一點的生啤,又好像是不錯。 這裡人多,自然也較嘈吵,要開盡聲線才可以交談。而跟其他這裡的酒吧相若,這裡是半露天的,客人也都隨便吸煙,有點點烏煙瘴氣。 食友請了客,要在這裡說聲多謝。 繼續閱讀
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