11:00 - 05:00
11:00 - 06:00
16:00 - 06:00
16:00 - 05:00
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Chicken Taces Club pizza EIDiablo Liquid Bubblegum Sicillian Burg Waffle Fries
食評 (21)
It was a friends birthday so they booked Joe Banana's AGAIN which included the buffet!!The selection this time was matched to the budget.I tried the fish which was ok, but slightly dry but what can you expect with a budget like that.The pasta was a bit oily but edible, again you can't complain with that budget.The seating was slightly uncomfortable because there were not many tables and most were high tables with stools. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-04-10
409 瀏覽
較早前和同事到了joe bananas 享用buffet lunch, 大約$80多元 (連加一), 食物種類算多:沙律菜有生菜, 粟米, 車厘茄等等; 另外, 亦有cold cut; 熱盤有炒飯, 意粉, 今日有炒菜心, 魚柳, 全部味道OK最驚喜係有羊架, 煎到7成熟, 點 mustard, 好入味, 亦都唔太”蘇”今日甜品竟然有面包布丁! 熱烘烘的面包散發陣陣香氣, 溶溶地的面包很甜美其他甜品有蛋糕等等....水果有2-3款整個餐包一杯餐飲, 因為係自助形式, 服務員可以唔使點serve我地整體食物質素不過不失, 如果是大食的人/”食肉獸”, 會覺得幾抵, 但refill 比較慢; 在午飯時走動一下取食物, 可輕鬆一點 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-05-25
250 瀏覽
好耐無寫過食評!今次出山,真係不吐不快!今日下午同同事慶祝生日,去呢間bar食lunch buffet, $79per head, 又加咗價! 但係食物嘅quality比以前差好多。首先係湯: 有兩款揀,一中一西,中湯係蓮藕湯但係唔熱,西湯係忌廉湯好彩係熱嘅!沙律:一般主菜:有一盆抄飯 及一盆意粉, 另外有三、四盆野, 多數係煎炸野!牛扒:要十二點半先有,都係一般甜品:有四款,好一般!餐飲:聲稱會refill,涷飲佢serve你,熱飲自己serve自己!總之比以前差咗又唔會refill得好密,要盆食物有八九成空先refill,但係價錢又貴咗!至於服務.....就係佢得三個 "差" 嘅原因, 上次book咗七十幾個位,佢哋已經係安排座位上做得唔好!太多人有啲亂,我明白! 佢哋唔容許你隨意掉動座位!我都明白,咁樣佢哋係計人數會亂, 但係個肥女boss,真係好無禮貌!黑面兼怪責我哋! 今次我哋二十幾人去! 想加多個位,唸住經過上次嘅教瞓,唔好自己加位, 叫個waiter 加啦, 佢話唔加, 因為我哋要talk to him nicely, 佢先加。 大佬呀!我嚟食飯buy service 呀, 你有無睇劉德華個廣告呀? 最終我哋自己加。之後呢個Waiter仲成日啤住我哋。食餐飯, 食物又一般但係又要受氣, 真係唔冼錢都無下次! 下次情原加多十坽蚊去啲有services嘅西餐廳, 唔冼受氣。 總之多人一定唔好去呢到,否則自討苦吃! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-01-06
192 瀏覽
昨午和同事於Joe Banana酒吧品嚐了一頓自助午餐。$73一位免加一,其實都幾抵食。沙律吧有各式沙律菜及配料四五款,如雜果沙律、薯仔沙律、羅馬生菜、粟米、車厘茄等等,配料都幾新鮮。冷盤有火腿及凍雞,選擇不多,但味道不錯。餐湯有兩款,一中一西,配上各式餐包,普普通通喇。熱盤方面,因地方所限,每次只提供四款食品,用饍期間會轉款式,總數有六七款吧。例子有咖哩雞、燒豬脾、青口、燒雞、灼菜心、芝士白汁意粉、楊州炒飯等等,整體食物質素及味道皆令人滿意。最驚喜的是有水準不俗的燒牛肉及羊扒供應,令主食評分有所提升。甜品有四五款,有芒果布甸、麵包布甸、朱古力brownie、芝士餅及生果拼盤。個人覺得麵包布甸及芝士餅比較美味。熱飲咖啡茶可自助添飲,凍飲則包一杯。如此質素,可助光臨。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2009-07-12
92 瀏覽
They are doing a $68-bucks all you can eat deal. As I've never been here before and it was a sweltering day, I decided to give it a go.The buffet consisted of foods reminiscent of 80s ”dai sik wui" - they are even thoughtful enough to only provide customers with small side dishes so that people won't forget to do their exercise besides gorging: (1) Cold dishes: chicken pieces, roast beef, cold cuts, 2 or 3 varieties of salads including a fruity mayonnaise one, a bowl lettuce and another of assorted leaves, cherry tomatoes and a mozzarella salad with pesto. (2) Soups: 2 soups to choose from but not sure what they were.(3) Hot dishes: a kind of spaghetti carbonara, some pretty spicy but greasy nasi goreng or a version thereof, sweet and sour pork, deep fried chicken wings, a kind of sausage and cabbage, and one or two others that I've forgottnen. (4) Desserts: cut fruit pieces, bread and butter pudding with stodgy custard to boot, and 2 varieties of cake. Surprisingly the cake base of the red bean mousse cake is made of the real McCoy of digestive biscuits and vegetable shortening (?) They also give you unlimited refill of cold drink and there are hot drinks by the buffet table too. No service charge either (would they dare?) A good place to satisfy hunger pangs and to have enjoy variety in the process. 繼續閱讀
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