港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
Designed to reference the forgotten beauty of 1960's Beirut, 'The Paris of The Middle East,' Maison Libanaise seamlessly transports guests back to a time of nourishing fare and familial hospitality. Boasting three distinctive offerings, the vertical space was created to showcase the warming nature of Lebanese culture and the vibrancy of its food. On entry, Le Comptoir offers kebabs, salads and sides on the go, while above, Le Salon presents a more intimate option with a menu of hot and cold mezze, accompanied by Asia’s leading Lebanese wine list. Finally, hidden away from the hustle of Central Hong Kong sits La Buvette – a cooling rooftop oasis in the heart of the city. 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*外賣: 星期一至日: 11:00-23:00
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食評 (88)
等級4 2024-12-26
668 瀏覽
Maison Libanaise @maisonlibanaise 📍:中環蘇豪些利街10號地舖至2樓🚗:中環地鐵D2出口 步行7分鐘📞:+852 2111-2284💲:~HKD480/head for dinnerFood quality✔️:Roasted Cauliflower, Shish Taouk, Lahme Meshwe👌🏼:Hummus❌:Maison’s Falafel, Arabic Sweet總結:😋係間高開低走嘅中東菜餐廳 又係要揀嚟食 招牌都非常出色 但同時佢甜品亦難食得令人印象深刻🙊😋Shish Taouk係中東流行嘅烤肉🍗串 必點 炭燒味香 烤肉本身有用乳酪檸檬香料去醃製 配埋黎巴嫩嘅蒜泥醬食落非常惹味😋Lahme Meshwe係羊肉串燒 超推薦 外面睇落好似好燶咁但食落肉質勁嫩滑 又勁香羊羶味 非常高質嘅羊肉😋烤椰菜花🥦雖然好似好寡 但由於香料味頗重 所以酸酸甜甜 愈食愈覺得好食🤔Hummus就普通啲🤔環境裝修得勁有異國風情 一入嚟8成都係外藉人士 成個vibe都唔似喺香港🤣😨佢嗰Falafel超乾 將鷹嘴豆炸成球包住蠶豆泥 成個配搭勁騎呢 唔好食🙄😨由於叫咗幾碟都高質 所以就額外試埋佢啲點品 點知中大伏 甜到漏油 同埋一細舊都要$48 超唔抵🫨😨人氣餐廳 閒日都爆場 但樓面唔夠人 好幾次舉手都冇人理我🥲以呢個定價又收加一有改善空間 繼續閱讀
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這次試了平日較少品嚐到的黎巴嫩菜 黎巴嫩被譽為中東小巴黎 曾是法國殖民地 骨子裡保留著法式的貴族氣息 比起中東菜的濃烈香料 黎巴嫩菜會更講究清淡調味 大部分菜式以蔬菜為主 以橄欖油 檸檬汁和大蒜為主要調味 .【Cold】▪️Hummus Bil Tahini▪️Hearth-baked Pita Bread▪️Baba Ghanoush Pita Bread 熱烘烘的 微甜帶麥香 質地軟熟而且煙韌中帶點蓬鬆感 鷹嘴豆泥加入適量欖欖油 中東芝麻醬和檸檬汁作調味 香料味不重 整體質感綿滑 中東茄子泥則混合焦香茄子 乳酪 中東芝麻醬和橄欖油 入口酸甜醒胃 Pita Bread 蘸上Hummus或中東茄子泥同吃 美味度加倍提升.▪️Cauliflower Fattoush椰菜花沙律除了烤椰菜花 亦有多款爽脆的蔬菜如生菜 番茄 蘿蔔 青瓜 椰菜等 加上脆口的Pita Bread麵包粒入口富層次感 椰菜花烤得香口惹味 番茄和石榴增添酸甜味 沙律材料豐富不單調 是清香爽脆的前菜.【Hot】▪️Sujuk Bel Banadoura烤牛肉腸香料味突岀 入口帶香辣 烹飪過程中會被混合各種香料和調味料 番茄醬酸酸甜甜 而石榴糖蜜則帶點香甜 香腸口感偏軟身 相較其他菜式 烤牛肉腸略為偏油 勝在入口惹味 不會有過重的香料味.【Les Plate】▪️Shish Taouk烤雞肉串是當晚最喜愛的菜式之一 雞肉串烤得焦香惹味 肉質偏紮實 讓人驚喜的是入口軟腍 完全不乾柴並且充滿肉汁 配上蒜香醬和旁邊富班蘭葉香的炒飯 越吃越滋味.餐廳藏身於香港中環熙來攘往的蘇豪區 室內裝潢充滿異國風情 底層設有外賣櫃檯 供應各式黎巴嫩街頭小吃 上層則是用餐區 提供多種正宗的黎巴嫩菜餚 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-07-02
1502 瀏覽
Four of us came here for dinner. We arrived early (around 5:30) without a reservation and were promptly seated. The place was full by the time we left, so I’d definitely recommend booking ahead. I don’t typically comment on interiors but I will say the setting and decor is really lovely. It’s a cozy space but the ceiling is high. The wait staff was also professional and friendly. Now onto the food: I’ve had some Lebanese food before, but I’m not supremely refined regarding authenticity. I do know what I like, though, and I can say that the flavor palettes for the dishes we got were satisfyingly complex for me. We only ordered two things: the hummus and pita mezze and the Mashewe Mshakal, which is a large plate of skewered and roasted goodies for 4. All of it was quite good. The hummus was silky smooth and had a nutty flavor that I quite appreciated. The paprika was also surprisingly flavourful and was a lovely touch. It reminded me of a proper hummus shop in Europe. My only gripe is that they didn’t give enough pita, but more on that later. Our main dish, the Mashewe Mshakal, was quite good—an assortment of roasted/grilled skewers and bits of meat and veggies and some grilled pita on the side. The meat was cooked and seasoned well and it felt like a decent portion for 4—just decent, though. The lamb chops bordered on comically small, but flavourful. I’d recommend this dish if you come as a group of 4. My main complaint about this restaurant is the value. I found the pita portion a bit stingy and absent this dish, I think I would have felt a bit underwhelmed by the price for the portions of the other dishes I saw being served. They were also a bit stingy with the pita—not nearly enough for all the hummus and side sauces. What we ordered felt like a good value though, so I would recommend it if you’re price sensitive. Otherwise, ordering strategically is recommended. The roasted cauliflower dish also seemed popular and well-enjoyed. I’m sure it’s good, but there’s just a part of me that can’t pay $248 for a cauliflower, and it won out. If you’re not as stingy as I am and just want to enjoy some quality Lebanese food, I’d recommend visiting. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-27
1768 瀏覽
Came here for lunch on a weekday during a public holiday. We sat on the roof top on a hot 🔥 day which was ok as it had a fabric roof for shade, lots of circulating fans and was well ventilated. Our waiter was attentive, polite and gave us good service. For starters we ordered Hummus Tahini which comes with complimentary pita bread, but we added on extra as it’s never enough to finish the hummus and an octopus salad. The Hummus was creamy, smooth with garlic flavour. The octopus salad was fresh, but we were disappointed that it wasn’t a chargrilled octopus leg (which they don’t do), but we should’ve known from the price. For the mains we ordered the: Shish Taouk which is marinated shish chicken skewers which came with rice and hummus, the rice was fragrant and the chicken was tender and juicy.Beef Kafta which is marinated beef’s and lamb which was tasty with cumin and onions, this came with pita bread and chargrilled whole onion. It was like eating a giant sausage.Lahme Meshwe which are beef tenderloin skewers and this came with pita bread. The beef was cooked medium rare and was juicy and tender, but was chewy due to some tendons, to be honest although nothing wrong with it, this was $368 and most expensive and not as good as the chicken and beef Kafta. Overall, not the best Lebanese cuisine I’ve had in HK , but it is ok and I would come back again due to its good location and good service. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-08-29
4080 瀏覽
中東/黎巴嫩菜喺香港係少見嘅菜式,運用中東香料、檸檬、橄欖油,香料味偏重,亦好接近地中海菜。餐廳裝修帶中東feel,而且在場嘅好多都係外籍人士,感覺好似去咗其他國家旅行。*Dejeuner $288 per guestMezzo (for the table)Hummus Bil Tahini鷹嘴豆泥世界級香滑,配原粒鷹嘴豆豆香更強,橄欖油味道同樣重,配暖暖嘅厚身彼得包冇得輸。Levantine Fattoush生菜為底,配以番茄、紅菜頭、青瓜、紅蘿蔔、石榴粒、脆彼得包,加埋檸檬汁、中東香料,酸甜開胃,而且冇沙律菜嘅草腥味。Maison’s falafel鷹嘴豆炸成球,偏乾硬,豆味好濃,中東香料味更濃。面頭有蠶豆泥,配搭怪怪,反而底下嘅芝麻醬又香又滑,配彼得包都好食。Hearth-baked pita bread烘到暖暖嘅彼得包,外乾身內軟,真係好好味。Les platsMakali Mshakal櫛瓜、茄子、紅蘿蔔、薯仔切片,烤到焦香,配洋蔥絲、薄荷葉、芫茜,加埋鷹嘴豆泥、彼得包。食落同前菜嘅沙律感覺好似,唔夠驚喜。Shish Taouk雞肉串用優酪、檸檬、各種香料醃製,再炭燒到焦香,肉質嫩又多汁,微辣惹味,配埋黎巴嫩蒜泥醬toum,更加香口。番茄就🙊係番茄。 繼續閱讀
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