港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (27)
等級3 2019-03-13
676 瀏覽
今日食左間應該都算正宗既印度菜,事關無論樓面水吧同廚房都係印度人,一入餐廳已經聞到陣食物咖哩味。一個set有湯、主菜、印度薄餅、白飯同埋飲品,大部份都係只需要$60就有齊晒成set,仲要唔駛加一,真係好抵!如果好似我咁唔食得辣,平時食譚仔都只可以食清湯嘅,都其實唔怕,因為唔辣,佢係好香嘅味道。食印度菜其實主要都係食個汁去點印度薄餅,薄餅如果可以再做好啲就希望可以再熱d同埋脆d, 有飯有薄餅一定飽!另外餐飲嗌咗杯凍檸茶,個茶係有啲特別,有少少桃味。餐廳個環境佈置都好簡單,同埋有少少焗,冷氣唔夠,如果夏天去嘅話應該都真係會幾熱! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-08-30
726 瀏覽
今日同同事黎食 大家都叫左lunch set我叫左個chicken tikka masala 首先送餐湯胡椒粉味好重 由於太肚餓 飲曬之後有一塊薄餅 兩塊厚餅very nice薄既夠脆 厚既 厚得黎唔硬 好好食碟肉 雞好軟 醬汁好夠味再送一碟仔飯 可惜個飯煮得唔好。有d痴埋一夠 食唔到個凍檸茶好淡好淡成set 68嫌貴可以食curry 60都有 好抵食 係飽既 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2017-10-17
1457 瀏覽
今日午餐,我和友人去了試印度咖喱,老闆係正宗印度人,餐廳的佈置滿有印度的裝飾和氣味,餐廳內播着印度的歌曲令人感到放鬆,宛如置身在印度。首先服務員給我來一碗湯,湯味道適中,然后我叫左香滑椰汁咖喱魚,好好味,椰汁很濃烈,咖喱不辣,很地道,魚煎得很入味,不油膩但略點鹹。至於服務員係老闆娘,她很有禮貌用英文介紹菜式,感覺很舒服和好親切,她介紹我們吃午餐,午餐裡有薄餅,卜卜脆,熱呼呼,很新鮮出爐,黏上咖喱係佳配搭。飯前湯薄餅香滑椰汁咖喱魚 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-11-16
1681 瀏覽
Ordered the lunch set, and the curry is the worst curry I have ever had. Chicken was rubbery and had no flavor at all, while the curry is an insult to all Currys. Granted it is cheap for Sheung Wan but even if they sold the set at hk$20 I wouldn't recommend it. Very disappointing experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-03-10
2086 瀏覽
Ex-pats (myself included) tend to breed mediocrity in a city such as Hong Kong which lends itself to transient diners that lack the tenacity and standards that many food enlightened cities exhibit. Simply put: most patrons of restaurants such as Masala simply aren't invested in the city enough to vote with their wallets. Sub-par food is accepted because it's the path of least resistance. In a few months, most customers will be off to another city. Apathy trumps principle.Masala exists - but thankfully doesn't thrive - because there's a distinct lack of better options around (with the lone exception of Namaste Kitchen, but that's another review). Ironic for a neighborhood dominated by British ex-pats who love their curries. Therefore I can only assume that their very existence hinges on the price, which are fair given the portion of food.Price to portion ratio aside, the food is dismal. A perfunctory green salad was watery, wilted and dressed to hell. The rice was desiccate and treated with the same level of pervaded apathy. Naan was at least warm and fluffy but oddly tasted of un-cooked flour. My lamb madras curry ($90 set) was dutifully spicy, which was a wonderful distraction from the gristle and chewiness of the lamb.The single greatest positive of Masala's dining experience would be the front of house staff, who are unfailingly polite and punctual. However the most chipper of experiences can't off-set dismal food. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)