港鐵香港大學站 C1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (5)
等級4 2022-11-27
967 瀏覽
【 💚𝕾𝖚𝖇 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞 ᶠᴼᴿℝ𝕠𝕒𝕤𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕟 】---💰價錢:$29 ~~~📍評分:8/10~~~⏩ 星期六返 campus 唔係間間餐廳開,經過 Subway 有開又見冇乜人👀,就貪方便又便咁喺度買左件包食🤣!其實 Subway 又唔係咁差既,都係個糧尾好選擇😌!~~~🐔燒雞胸口感唔會好柴,幾有嚼勁,加埋烤過後既半溶芝士片🧀,芝士香絕對係重要唔少得!🥖麵包種類揀左小麥包,食落外脆內軟,麥包口感紥實煙韌😚, 有d麥香冇白包咁寡!Subway好既地方就係佢真係落好多唔同既veggies 🥗,好似番茄、青瓜、洋蔥等等,全部都係多汁爽口野💦,食落夠灑fresh!而橄欖、青椒等等就係重口味d😈,配埋自選醬汁、黑椒,夠灑味又唔會乾啦!~~~✅ 其實我都好耐冇食 Subway😹,但係想快又唔多錢剩既時候,Subway 又何嘗唔係一個人的浪漫呢🥹!~~~性價比:5/5回頭度:4/5賣相:3/5環境衛生:4/5服務態度:4/5 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2021-04-29
1431 瀏覽
Subway食過好多次,食過唔同種類,但最中意一定係WRAP。加埋Terayaki Chicken就正啦。芝士有兩款,Amercian cheese(一塊塊)同mozarella cheese(一條條)。其實分別唔大。佢地既staff叫做「三文治藝術師」(Sandwich artist),就同Apple既普通店員叫做Genius一樣。咁d Sandwich artist就好快手咁幫你拎個wrap去焗,焗廿秒後,就有新鮮出爐既wrap啦之後就揀餸啦。除左叫This this this this, 你都可以學下d蔬菜名,例如Cucumber, Tomato, Lettuce, Olive等等,google同wiki幫緊你幫緊你。之後就揀汁(sauce)啦,我就中意落3-4款既,例如mayonnaise, honey mustard等等。試過好多次,4款汁撈埋一齊都唔會奇怪,全部都夾既個味道。成個過程5-10分鐘左右,一個wrap大概38蚊。好食。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-05-30
2989 瀏覽
每逢星期三既Sub of the Day都係呢個TUNA(吞拿魚),個包入面有兩大PAT TUNA真係見到都覺得爽,通常食SUBWAY既包入面夾個D肉既味道, 都會比D菜呀同埋個汁COVER左,但係呢個TUNA係例外, 無論你加D咩汁, 陣TUNA味都係係度,所以我每逢星期三一得閒都會去食番個, 大家可以一試 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-10-21
1942 瀏覽
Like the other reviewer said, this Subway is located across from Run Run Shaw Bldg, not Run Run Shaw Tower. After I gave one particular Subway two negative reviews, I felt it would only be fair that I review every Subway I eat at, and give credit where it's due.First things first: they don't stiff you on the turkey here. That's my number one complaint about the bad Subways, is that they put less meat on it. Not here.What else? Well, the guy who put the meat and cheese on the sandwich is extremely haphazard-- not just on my sandwich, but on everyone's-- he seemed to just be tossing meat and cheese at the sandwiches with little regard to where they landed.It was also difficult to ask them not to toast the sandwich. I had to literally shout at the woman about to stick my sandwich in the toaster "Hey! Hey! Please don't toast that! Hey!" It strikes me that everyone here has equated efficiency with speed (and not what it actually is, speedy success). Two final things: my tomatoes were overripe and mushy, so points off for that. Also, Subway has a new ranch sauce that is not as unappetizing-looking as their previous incarnation. I tried it and I may get it in the future.Though I had some complaints, they're relatively minor. The sandwich was good and I'll definitely eat here again. B 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-01-16
2063 瀏覽
The HKU subway was scheduled to open in the first semester. However, not until last week did it officially open. In fact, the location of this subway is NOT in the Centenary Campus. It is located right opposite to the HSBC in Run Run Shaw Building in the Main Campus. This subway is simply a grab-and-go counter.Since the second semester has not yet begun, not many students are there and I could simply walk over to the counter and order my sub. Items on the menu are relatively cheaper at this chain. I had my tuna sub today Keep your receipt, fill in the survey online, and you will get a free cookie Taste of tuna filling: I think the taste of tuna is different in different subways. For the tuna paste at HKU branch, they have more "tuna" content whereas those in other subway has more mayo in it. As it is more rich in tuna, I can taste more "tuna" instead of mayo. And since there is more tuna content, the bread will not be that watery after wrapping.Bread: I have whole wheat bread all the time. The bread tastes fine and they are fluffy - i think the bread at IFC branch and Caine Road branch has the best texture though.Veggie: Their veggie is fresh. The staff is nice and they are willing to give extra veggie. The receipt shows the address as a Discovery Bay subway. But the receipt shows a $25 tuna, hence confirming I bought from HKU Please note that the Tuesday Buy-1-get-1-free is not yet available at this location.The store manager Tim is quite helpful. However, there is a lady who makes the sub in the morning who always does not seem to be happy to have people's business. 繼續閱讀
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