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食評 (50)
Zoe started out as a cute little pastry shop in Happy Valley, selling dainty nonbaked cheesecakes. Some decorated with a cute smile. It later expanded with more shops and cafes.As I live in this area, I would sometimes walk by the shop and buy one home. But then so many new pastry shops opened up. It detracted me so I forgot all about this little place. I think it's been a LONG LONG time since I had a Zoe cheesecake.A salesperson came to my work place, bringing a box of cakes from Zoe for us. A coworker also remarked ... wow, it's been a long time we've had a Zoe cake. Yup ... it has been a long time.This is the mango cheesecake. It was small. I remember it was small back then, too. But now placing it in my hand, I think it was even smaller than before. It also didn't have that same attention to detail like it once was.  It was topped with balls of fresh mango that was fairly sweet. The cheesecake was disappointing, It tasted like a block of cream cheese, placed on top of a thin layer of cookie crumb crust. It was disappointing to say the least.When Zoe first started, there weren't that many independent pastry shops. But with so many sprouting up (most not even listed on Openrice), this was not good at all. There are far superior shops now. Zoe has fallen behind the times, Personally, I wouldn't think to order one again. 繼續閱讀
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等級6 2015-06-08
2003 瀏覽
早幾日喺跑馬地名醫院探完病,下午茶時間剛好行經「Zoë Pâtisserie et Chocolat」餅店門口,肚裡面o既為食蟲迅即作動 ,結果當然係忍唔住買咗幾件返屋企食啦!「Zoë」分店大多集中於港島區,小肥共去過灣仔、中環及跑馬地三間店舖,當中以跑馬地依間最為細小,肥肥家族一家四口入到去,室內活動空間可以話係近乎零 。入面o既女店員主動上前招呼,介紹熱門及新推出o既多款產品,臨走前更送上試食餅乾兩塊,當真欣勤好客 。Zoë:以店名起名o既Zoë蛋糕乃鎮店之寶,亦係媽咪最喜愛糕點之一。可能因為期望過高,第一口食落去已教人失望萬分,皆因底部o既朱古力已不再脆口,糕面o既榛子忌廉凍而乾,更內藏薄冰塊,感覺就好似食緊隔夜蛋糕咁 ,勁唔爽!Blueberry Cheesecake:藍梅芝士蛋糕o既藍梅果醬面層還好仍濕潤,但中間o既芝士蛋糕不但同Zoë蛋糕一樣乾,質感更已開始變得硬同實,就連容忍度極高o既哥哥都食到搖哂頭 !Japanese Yuzu with Cherry Blossom:五件西餅中以此味櫻花柚子蛋糕最為出色 ,其糕身軟滑,雖然溫度仍屬偏凍,但主材柚子帶微酸o既甜味非常討好,清新醒胃。Mud Cake:媽咪大彈蛋糕又乾又硬又凍,好明顯並非即日製作而成 ,如果蛋糕真係即日造o既話就更加有必要去檢討!Truffle Tart:雖說朱古力撻用上黑朱古力烹煮,但味道卻甜似牛奶朱古力所造,而且入內絕無姐姐所講o既脆脆餡料,似乎有啲貨不對辦囉 !記得以前親友一提到「Zoë」西餅,大家都會讚賞店子o既糕點新鮮輕巧美味,價錢雖然係貴啲,但都值得不時買黎奬勵吓自己。唔知係咪因為餅舖發大咗黎做呢?蛋糕質素已大不如前,watt數大跌至谷底,絕對唔值$40一件 ! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-05-15
1910 瀏覽
It was mother’s day, and it is definitely the best excuse to indulge in dessert cakes. So upon visiting the shop, I ended up with a popular one, a signature one and a conventional one at $38/pieceVanilla cheesecakeA vanilla scented cheese cake with sponge cake at the bottom. The cheesecake cake is extremely soft and fluffy, and literally melts in the mouth. It does not have the strong and rich cheesy flavour of the conventional New York cheese cake, but instead, has a mild buttery aroma. The sponge cake base is equally light and soft with a rich eggy flavour. Both the cheesecake and the sponge cake layer are mildly sweetened to bring out their own flavours.Double deckerA multi-layered cake with different intervals of sponge cake, flavoured whipped cream, chocolate ganache. Simply the look of this cake suggests its high level of sweetness and richness. The whole cake consists of 6 layers, with 2 layers of sponge cake, 2 layers of hazelnut whipped cream, 1 layer of chocolate whipped cream and chocolate ganache on top. The sponge cake and the hazelnut whipped cream provides a great aroma of the hazelnut flavour, which forms a great chemistry with the dark chocolate whipped cream. The sweet chocolate ganache on top, with a glossy and devilish appearance, melts in the mouth and provides the sweetness for the whole cake. The rich chocolate flavour of this double decker reminds me greatly of rocher Ferrero and the combination of heavy cream and chocolate makes the cake rather filling.Zoe'sA layered cake with sponge cake and a chocolate crunch bottom, topped with hazelnut flavoured whipped cream. The cream had a light texture and is lightly sweetened with a pleasing hazelnut flavour, which combines well together with the rich aroma of the milkfat. The sponge cake is again, soft and mildly sweetened, and had a rich eggy taste. The best part of the cake is the bottom crunch part: chocolate crunch with cream. The chocolate crunch brings out the hazelnut flavour of the cream, and provides a more complex texture to the cake. The final verdict:The cakes at Zoe’s are generally mildly sweet, and is suitable for people who dislike strong and extremely sweet desserts (like me). Undoubtedly, they have a considerable amount of sugar and fat in all those whipped cream and cheese, however, its great taste and rich flavours make its calories’ worth. Nonetheless, at a price of $38, their portions are rather small, but I guess pricing is a way to limit your guilty indulgences. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-12-13
1245 瀏覽
某天生日都係返工,同事請我吃午飯。午飯完依然照樣返工,突然收到一份好特別既禮物,"NN" 就係 Zoe 的朱古力慕思蛋糕 。見到個袋,就知道係名牌!不過我咬野GOR,不係睇名牌,最重要係味道,更名牌也沒用,最重要是好吃。個蛋糕正正方方,顏色配答很靚,面上四邊是用金色慕思粉,中間有波浪花紋朱古力,整個蛋糕看下去已經很高級。同事們急不及待叫人唱生日歌,更快快叫我切,我便趕快切一下之後,她們很快便分好了。朱古力慕思質地柔軟,而啲味道剛剛好,唔會太甜又唔會太苦,個底有少少似海綿蛋糕,正體感覺好似絲咁柔軟,入口順滑。雖然本人對蛋糕呢D甜品一般,但我都俾個LIKE佢。特別要多謝個買蛋糕同事,在老遠買番來的牛一的好蛋糕回來!特此感謝! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-08-05
943 瀏覽
六月上旬‧晴雪怡生日,當然要大伙兒出來賀賀佢。由好友負責在這裡買了拿破崙餅,開心吹蠟燭。酥皮幾鬆化也帶脆口,但吉士餡略嫌多了一點,吃起來也過甜。不知不覺原來跟大家識了多年,在此再一次對雪怡就聲生日快樂,心想事成! 繼續閱讀
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