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芒果沙冰還沒有喝一口,因為長吸管和高而纖細的杯子,意外地掉到桌子上。然後服務員只是清理了一下就離開了,沒有問我是否需要再來一杯。當我問他時,他立刻為我下單,我又進一步問他是否免費時,他不耐煩地回答我說:“如果是我們弄掉的,我們會給你一杯免費的;如果是你弄掉的,我們不會免費提供!”The mango smoothie fell accidentally before I even drink it on the desk, due to the long straw, tall and slim cup. Then the waiter just cleaned it and left, without asking whether I need 1 drink back. When I asked him, he ordered one for me at once, and I further asked him whether it was free, he responded to me impatiently in this way, “If we made it fell,
The mango smoothie fell accidentally before I even drink it on the desk, due to the long straw, tall and slim cup. Then the waiter just cleaned it and left, without asking whether I need 1 drink back. When I asked him, he ordered one for me at once, and I further asked him whether it was free, he responded to me impatiently in this way, “If we made it fell, we will give you one free back; if you made it fell, we will not give you one free!”