14 瀏覽
我仲記得, 頭幾次嚟試的時候, 這裡的水準真的有時會麻麻地好食的. 我那兩次食評也有這樣寫! 印象心刻的: 包括那尚未烤到香口的凍魚, 那細細Rice Grain 又煲到濕笠笠的米飯, 炸豬扒比起炸雞扒, 永遠都是乾巴巴的! 那黑酢豬肉是油淋淋又調味得超濃, 唔太好食...! 但這不代表, 我就此就 Blacklist 了它的... 凡事, 都會有轉機的?定還是我一廂情願...後來見到咁多好嘅食評, 我又還來了多過八至十次都唔止呢! 就像我對'添好運點心'一樣 - 有時. 它都可以好差的!! 但我也會耐不耐也幫親下它. 理由簡單不過...... 做人太 Extreme, 永遠一定要自己100% 叻晒, 但永遠唔比人Ever Correct 或什止乎要明屈人地, 切人生豬肉才能有勝算, 其實唔代表你係最勁的: 剛剛好就是相反, 世界是公平的: 這只會可能代表你係 Self Esteem 低? 你是'對'與'否', 是否真的完全有料到或只是 Ego-Testicles 一位, 喺網上扮晒專家但實掣上只有七八成正確但其他的是錯漏百出充生晒地扮出
印象心刻的: 包括那尚未烤到香口的凍魚, 那細細Rice Grain 又煲到濕笠笠的米飯, 炸豬扒比起炸雞扒, 永遠都是乾巴巴的! 那黑酢豬肉是油淋淋又調味得超濃, 唔太好食...!
但這不代表, 我就此就 Blacklist 了它的...
凡事, 都會有轉機的?
後來見到咁多好嘅食評, 我又還來了多過八至十次都唔止呢! 就像我對'添好運點心'一樣 - 有時. 它都可以好差的!! 但我也會耐不耐也幫親下它.
做人太 Extreme, 永遠一定要自己100% 叻晒, 但永遠唔比人Ever Correct 或什止乎要明屈人地, 切人生豬肉才能有勝算, 其實唔代表你係最勁的:
剛剛好就是相反, 世界是公平的: 這只會可能代表你係 Self Esteem 低? 你是'對'與'否', 是否真的完全有料到或只是 Ego-Testicles 一位, 喺網上扮晒專家但實掣上只有七八成正確但其他的是錯漏百出充生晒地扮出來威, 但又永世不肯低頭也永不給其他人啱的, 老實講, 長線嚟講, 明眼人一睇就把你識破吧! 這世界, 小人真的多到, 無孔不浸的.... 專係喺背後做啲小人才會稔得到的橋, 還過得到自己嗰關同做得埋出, 真值得拍手的. Backstab someone 以為會瞞到人, 但同時又忍唔住地露出小小狐狸尾巴想暗算下你, 個嘢先 '籮你命3000'!! Make up your Mind Please, you want it known or not? (I'm not talking about anyone in particular but as I mentioned before, I have no EGO issues. But I will only laugh harder and think less of someone, if they still want to fall into this genre!)
因為有時總覺得, 平平地, 好嘅又一餐, 唔好嘅又一餐: 再執著, 你明天都會把它排斥番出嚟㗎啦. 而當你感覺到它本質就不是太差的話, 仲可能有 Potential 逐漸上反軌道的, 咪比多啲機會它啦! 但'大戶屋', 真的算是那少數地 每次去到都會發覺有少少 Improvement 的店! 不可以看底它的 Quality Control System 同心機 !
Having had this numerous times, I was surprised that a recent visit to the Quarry Bay as well as CWB branches, that the pork started to improve and is no longer too oily or too dry. Although they don't marinate the pork much like other shops - nowadays on average, the pork retains some natural juices and the batter somehow retains less oil! The only complaint I have I guess, is that the pork meat itself seems slightly naturally tastesless or else not marinated enough.... Its also a bit SMALL!
The chicken is actually tasty and absorbed the cooking liquid, the eggs meanwhile are semi-translucent when it arrives, but cooked just right on top of the rice via residual heat as it arrives on your table. You'd think this is a easy dish to make - but many shops do this worst than here! Even within Japan!
This was cooked to medium-well, it had a strongish pork and beef mixed taste and the perfect bitey yet soft texture. The Daikon Oroshi on top cuts down on the grease. This is pretty good, although its so-so dei in taste a little!
This bowl of rice used to be topped with the shredded Cabbage, which is then topped with the Chicken fillet. It was hard to get to the bottom of the rice before - but nowadays they've improvised and put the cabbage on 1 side, so that the customer can eat both Chicken and the rice at the same time. Its these minor details and changes in this shop, which shows that they really care about Our Opinions!
Blanched then dried pretty well. Slightly sweet.
Cooked pretty well with salty crust. Same goes with their Hokke or Saba options.
The rice has improved tremendously compared to the beginning when I visited. The rice grain they use these days is of a better, larger Pearl grain. Its also cooked consistently good these days and filtered with charcoal.... no more mushy rice from the past! Unfortunately, they have now changed the policy only recently, so you can no longer refill the rice if you order the 飯類單品, but you need to order the whole set menu. I guess its fair.
I have actually eaten a lot more food than what I wrote on the above, but I guess there's no point writing about them. Just a quick recollection, I have had the Hiroshima Oyster Dishes, the Scallops rice, the Hon-Maguro Rice with Soba noodles, Imported Unagi Rice, quite a few side dishes, Raw Egg, Natto, Mountain Yam, the Signature Potato Croquette, some Desserts in the past with a French name that I can't recall anymore but no longer found on the menu.... Didn't take PHOTOS everytime but its not important anyway.
Its the Heart and Quality Control by the shop (the HK branches are run by Japanese people, in case you were wondering), which shows through in nearly each and every dish nowadays, which makes me want to come back regularly. As a comparison: the quality of the food here nowadays is pretty good and always above-average compared to say 鼎泰豐, its more sophisticated and harder to cook, yet they still manage to make the food consistently. Credits must be given!
HIGH '4' to LOW '5