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85% Belize Chocolate ($50)朱古力味道一啲都唔濃郁,朱古力亦都未溶化,感覺上好似飲緊美祿溝奶再溝水嘅味道🤢Apple Tart ($45)玉桂粉幾香,個餡有蘋果提子乾有合桃,不過批底一啲都唔脆。New York Cheesecake ($55)芝士味道口感都好濃郁,不過批底太鬆散。Latte ($40)Balanced flavour profile with a slight hint of nuttiness. Apple Tart ($45)Overly sugary filling layered on a soggy crust. Strikes familiarly with mediocre supermarket packaged pastry desert.New York Cheesecake ($55)The cheese cream was rich and dense, although let down by the overly flaky crust which doesn’t hold the bold upper layer.
Apple Tart ($45)
New York Cheesecake ($55)
Latte ($40)
Balanced flavour profile with a slight hint of nuttiness.
Apple Tart ($45)
Overly sugary filling layered on a soggy crust. Strikes familiarly with mediocre supermarket packaged pastry desert.
New York Cheesecake ($55)
The cheese cream was rich and dense, although let down by the overly flaky crust which doesn’t hold the bold upper layer.
Price 💰
Quality 🤤🤤
Customer service 🌟🌟🌟
Ambience 🥂🥂🥂🥂
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