11:30 - 00:00
11:30 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
將軍澳呢邊不嬲都多嘢食,咁啱口痕想同朋友食燒烤,就喺附近搵到呢一間燒烤舖。食飯時間餐廳真係座無虛席,果然同朋友就係要食燒烤談心先係最正。‣ 金針菇牛五花卷 $28牛五花油脂豐富,搭配金針菇啱啱好,鹹香適中。‣ 小野人燒雞翼 $28🌟推薦🌟真係燒雞翼我鍾意食,出面嘅蜜糖啱啱好,雞翼燒到相當酥脆,下次可以叫多幾份。‣ 烤雞軟骨 $16不嬲都好鍾意食雞軟骨,佢嘅韌性同微脆嘅口感,永遠都係令人欲罷不能。‣ 香蔥黑豚肉卷 $28豚肉嘅油脂香再搭配香蔥嘅清香,兩者平衡得啱啱好。‣ 烤封門柳牛肉串 $28炭燒過嘅牛肉肉質依然細嫩,加上唔同嘅香料,比起其他嘅燒牛肉有唔一樣嘅風味。‣ 烤雞肉串 $28雞肉燒得相當嫩滑,一啲都唔覺得柴,值得一試。‣ Q彈大魷魚 $45魷魚嘅香料好吸引,而且燒得啱啱好,真係夠晒Q彈。‣ 蒜蓉粉絲烤扇貝 $42果然扇貝一定要配蒜蓉粉絲,同樣都係燒得恰到好處。‣ 蒜蓉烤茄子 $48🌟推薦🌟包保唔鍾意食茄子嘅都會鍾意食呢一個茄子,燒得相當軟腍,香料味道亦都唔會冚過茄子本身嘅味,好推薦大家叫一份。‣ 夏威夷烤菠蘿 $21原片菠蘿上個下覺得幾得意,食到咁上下食塊菠蘿可以解膩,塊菠蘿都幾多汁,酸酸甜甜啱啱好。‣ 墨西哥烤玉米 $58🌟推薦🌟個粟米燒得超好食,加上少少嘅辣粉同埋蛋黃醬,仲有啲芝士粉喺面,真係會食到停唔到口。‣ 日式年糕燒 $23年糕好煙靭,好鍾意佢搭配砂糖同煉奶呢一個組合,下次你會叫多三四塊食。‣ KOKA小野人超濃厚芝士撈一丁 $58🌟推薦🌟真係冇改錯名,芝士真係超濃郁,拉絲嗰下真係覺得超級引,雖然係有啲重口味,但係咁樣食落真係好過癮。‣ 元氣森林水果茶 $48🌟推薦🌟水果茶超級大杯,見到放喺隔離平時嘅水杯咩size就知,下次嚟同朋友一人一杯咁樣飲應該真係好爽。
Located in Tseung Kwan O (TKO), Koka 小野人 is a culinary gem that offers an unforgettable dining experience, particularly for BBQ lovers.AmbianceUpon entering, you're greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere, with a blend of modern decor and traditional elements. The cozy setting is perfect for both intimate dinners and lively gatherings.ServiceThe staff at Koka 小野人 are attentive and knowledgeable, eager to enhance your dining experience. They offer great recommendations and ensure that every need is met with a smile.BBQ DishesWe kicked off our meal with the celebrated **lamb skewers**, and they did not disappoint. Nicely seasoned and grilled to perfection, these skewers were spicy, succulent, and had the ideal balance of fat and tendon, truly kicking our appetite into high gear.We then ordered an array of their popular BBQ skewers:**Skirt steaks**: Tender, juicy, and mouthwatering.**Beef tongue**: Slightly crispy on the outside and incredibly juicy and tender inside.**Chicken kidney**: Crispy with a nice chew and lightly seasoned.**Chicken**: Meaty and tender, a true delight. **Spanish pork belly**: Crispy with a lovely crust while still juicy.MainsNext up was another MUST EAT dish: the **Super Cheesy 撈一丁 noodles**. This dish was intensely cheesy and wonderfully flavorful—definitely a must for cheese lovers! We followed with the Grilled EggplantDon't miss the grilled eggplant, which was unforgettably silky and sweet. Its texture was perfect, and the smoky flavor from the grill elevated it to a must-try dish.For our seafood cravings, we ordered scallops on the shells with garlic and cellophane noodles, which were fresh and tasted like the ocean. Unfortunately, the razor clams were unavailable due to quality concerns, and we appreciated the restaurant’s commitment to only serving the best ingredients.We opted for the **clams with glass noodles** simmered in a light broth. The sweetness from the clams was delightful, and the noodles were perfectly cooked al dente. We also enjoyed:**Oysters**: Buttery and creamy, a true indulgence. **Grilled whole yellow croaker**: Savory and fresh, it would have paired perfectly with steamed jasmine rice.**Whole grilled squid**: Nicely caramelized and seasoned, delivering a fresh taste from the sea.DessertAs for dessert, we decided to skip it this time, opting instead to indulge in more of those irresistible spicy lamb skewers. They were the perfect “dessert” to finish off our meal!Overall ExperienceKoka 小野人 is a must-visit for anyone in TKO seeking a unique dining experience filled with delicious BBQ and seafood options. The combination of excellent service, a cozy atmosphere, and outstanding food makes it a standout choice in the culinary scene. I can’t wait to return and try more of their enticing dishes!
前幾日同屋企人去咗將軍澳海旁果邊食串燒餐廳環境舒適,串燒種類選擇都幾多ღ超濃厚芝士撈一丁主食有飯同呢款撈一丁🤩芝士控必點濃厚芝士🧀不過屋企人想食香口啲就揀咗蒜蓉,撈埋一齊食勁正呀~ღ烤封門柳牛肉串 |金針菇牛五花卷 封門柳肉質鮮嫩,入口軟腍,牛味香濃牛五花鮮嫩多汁,包住嘅金針菇索滿肉汁,好惹味ღ烤西班牙黑豚五花|Q彈小豬頸肉|香蔥黑豚肉串烤西班牙黑豚五花滿滿油脂香,食落微辣又香口,豬頸肉食落彈牙,香蔥黑豚肉口感細嫩多汁,連埋香蔥食唔油膩ღ烤雞軟骨|烤脆雞皮|雞翼雞皮烤得香脆又香口,雞肉嫩滑juicy ღ蒜蓉粉絲烤扇貝 |蒜蓉烤生蠔|Q彈大魷魚海鮮都叫咗幾款嚟食🤩蒜香味十足!而且食落新鮮👍🏻大魷魚🦑Q彈入味ღ烤花枝墨魚丸|台灣小香腸ღ蒜蓉烤茄子|烤鮮嫩韭菜蔬菜類都燒得唔錯,唔會燒到冇晒水份~飲品叫咗兩杯都係大大杯嘅水果茶同手打檸檬茶送串燒一流,另外9點後所有酒仲有買一送一優惠,唔怪得勁多人訂9點後食啦~下次都同朋友收工過嚟吹水飲酒食串燒😌
👣海濱散步後,途經這間以木系設計,座位舒適簡潔, 主打串燒嘅食店,決定入去醫肚仔先 🥰♨️店內每枱都細心地設有燒烤保溫爐, 以 QR code 落單環保又方便🥰✴️另一亮點係, 9️⃣點後入座, 所有酒類買一送一 🍺🍻🍷最啱三五知己飲住嘢傾下計,又食下嘢 😋🦪蒜茸烤新鮮生蠔 自家製超香蒜蓉汁,美味鮮甜😍🔆蒜蓉粉絲烤扇貝 上枱時蒜香撲鼻, 鮮味肉厚👍🐐大漠烤羊肉串 是店內No.1必點推薦肉質細膩, 不羶不腥,吃起來口感肥而不膩,肉味香濃😋🐟烤小黃花魚 肉質鮮滑,是不錯之選 😊🐂烤封門柳牛肉串 口感鮮嫩多汁充滿牛肉味😍🦑Q彈小墨魚 $18/2串肉質彈牙👍 🥘黑松露蘑菇烤飯 我覺得是必點之選,選用意大利黑松露日本珍珠米, 大火烤製的鮮蘑菇,菇味濃郁 🍄精髓在可以加一塊脆紫菜包裹著來吃,帶出滋味香濃層次感 🥰🍞糖燒牛乳方包 口感外脆內軟,甜脆軟糯🍓小野人滿杯草莓 帶有少許果蓉, 味道甜美😍🍹元氣森林水果茶 甜酸味道適中, 消熱解油膩🥰