Restaurant: Glasshouse (Cityplaza)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (3)
Traditional cookery combined with innovative ingredients, adding the elements from Hong Kong, Asian and international. The restaurant is spacious and comfortable, and is suitable for gathering with friends. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
*Due to the pandemic, our opening hours may differ and are subjected to change. Kindly contact our restaurants for more information
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (227)
行街唔知食咩好,發現哩間未試過。餐廳裝修幾靚,天花板好多花草裝飾,打卡影相都幾好📸👑椰香青咖喱青口 $168前菜唔知揀咩好就上吓個青口啦,結果有驚喜,平時食青口多數都係白酒忌廉,今次青咖喱又幾特別,椰汁味好濃郁,咖喱好香,加上有少少辣就更惹味👍🏻 多士脆卜卜,配埋咖喱汁好味道😋✨黑松露鵝肝牛肉炒河粉 $178乾炒牛河食得多,加咗鵝肝即刻感覺好高級😂 仲有埋黑松露升級不少🤭 估唔到黑松露配埋一齊咁夾,食到黑松露嘅香味又有河粉嘅鑊氣,鵝肝煎得好靚,外皮香脆內裡嫩滑😍 牛肉肉味香濃但有少少韌。✨龍蝦湯 $88龍蝦湯配忌廉當然係perfect match,飲落香滑,味道濃而不過鹹。✨炒芥蘭苗 $88芥蘭唔算係苗,好彩唔老😆 蝦醬味道好香好濃,不過鹹咗啲😅🔍整體感覺:環境都幾乾淨企理,衛生都唔錯。食物質素同味道都唔錯,只係有少少美中不足。價錢的確唔算好平,性價比唔算太高,但都係值得一試嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-06
放工想食好啲,近近地揀左呢間。7點有多得4枱客仲諗住有啲唔妥。無大期望反而顯出驚喜😀- 服務好好 - 下面好多留言都話服務好差。我諗佢換咗唔同侍應。我係孕婦,佢主動俾咗杯熱水我,仲成個茶壺擺低等我慢慢飲😊期間服務都非常周到。臨走每個侍應都有Thankyou byebye。- 二人套餐$448好抵食😀2前菜2湯2主菜2甜品2飲品主菜 酥炸富貴鴨 - 唔油,皮酥脆,肉嫩滑,份量又足👍🏻甜品 即焗牛油軟曲奇 - 質地味道都好正,加雪糕真係食唔停口👍🏻平時好少寫食評,但佢之前啲評語咁差,希望幫佢平反下。尤其是服務真心唔錯😊食物都有水準😊 晚市得4枱客確實唔容易。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-20
呢間店個裝修幾靚,佢個午餐都抵食,食西冷都係$200內,西冷煎得剛剛好,重肉味之餘,口感亦都好腍,不過份量就唔算好多,食完唔會話好飽,佢個薯條我覺得幾好味,另外叫咗杯招牌檸檬,比我想像之中好飲好多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-01
食咗個$298的tea set,估唔到都幾精緻喎!第一層有龍蝦沙律,三文魚卷同埋鵝肝多士,有啲估唔到,雖然細細舊,都幾好食。第二層有炸蝦生菜卷,焗蔬菜撻,迷你牛肉漢堡同炸蝦。佢呢度係做東南亞菜,所以個牛肉漢堡有啲薑味,估唔到都幾驚喜喎。第三層係甜點,朱古力brownie正常味,士多啤梨mousse cake同奶凍都係椰子味嘅,嗰啲蜜糖珠珠有陣香味連埋椰子奶凍食都幾特別,但奶凍太實,口感差咗少少。藍色嗰舊估唔到係綠茶蛋糕,呢個淡口番少少都幾好食。馬卡龍係焦糖同另一舊疑似cream味,正常發揮。整體甜點偏甜,所以要提早叫定咖啡/茶,邊飲邊食比較好。咖啡都好飲,有層crema,好香。熱茶係breakfast tea。下午茶時間冇乜人,很清靜,就算叫杯嘢飲傾吓偈都唔錯,肯定舒服過Starbucks或者Pacific Coffee。我哋响Openrice app預先訂位,仲有七折,超抵!我哋都係即興去食,所以都係半個鐘前訂咋,方便。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
經外賣APP order左外賣,價錢唔平,淨係薯格都82蚊,叫左3樣野total $400。雖然係外賣APP ,但其實價錢已經係冇mark up到。價值$82嘅薯格,說好的煙肉呢?調味勁鹹,10舊都冇。價值$145嘅沙律,真係x出聲。半個牛油果加兩片麵包 ?_? 說好的蟹肉都失左蹤,成本唔洗$10,賣呢個價進取到呢。呢個價錢起碼俾多幾條沙律菜啦,唔expect份量仲少過starter。價值$166嘅拌麵份量係相比之下都算幾佛心,雖然都係勁鹹唔好食,但起碼會見到舊三文魚冇失蹤。呢間野真係可以blacklist。- - - - -Glasshouse (太古城中心) (太古)太古太古城道18號太古城中心1樓101A號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)