All Branches (2)
This restaurant is designed with camping and tropical plant themes. Besides, the shopfront is decorated with a big camping picture, which is IG-able. You can enjoy signature Tornado Omelette Rice, Japanese-Western fusion dishes and colorful drinks here. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (99)
Level3 2024-03-30
餐廳位置比較難搵,要行入去APITA入面先見到🙈 環境幾舒服,店員服務態度亦都好👍🏻黑松露卡邦尼意大利麵 ($128)奶油味好重,食落好creamy🤤 不過略嫌份量比較細,同埋黑松露味再重啲會好啲黑豚肉生薑燒旋風蛋包飯 ($148)賣相好吸引😍 蛋包飯食落香滑細嫩,不愧為招牌菜👍🏻 不過黑豚肉生薑燒略嫌鹹咗啲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Like their salad bar, which also included desserts like brownie, jello / 桂花糕. If I know that desserts were available at the salad bar, I won’t order the daily dessert, which was a cheesecake, as we’ll be too full. There were 4 kinds of leafy veggies, including Kale, which was great!Having a salad bar is nice, so that we need not worry about not ordering enough veggie for a meal.We ordered 3 lunch sets, Smoked duck breast. Basil Pesto. LinguineSeafood. Lobster sauce. Linguine. Truffle. Wild Mushroom. PizzaThe truffles wild mushrooms pizza was thin and crispy. No truffles flavour though.Plus a salmon roe + crab roe + tomatoes donburi from the a la carte menu. We chose that as we thought it contained either salmon or tuna, though we know the photo was for reference only, but it turned out to be all tomatoes, while it still tasted well. Of course it’ll be even better if there were sashimis. 😄The daily dessert was also nicely presented. P.S. We added a brownie to the plate to make it complete.Had grabbed coupons during CNY in The Food Story app. Can use one $50 coupon in here per transaction. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-03
噚晚同老公諗吓今晚星期五去邊度食,happy Friday,要有得泊車,於是就諗到太古城啦。 上 OpenRice 睇吓有乜好食,竟然比我發現呢間餐廳,我係銅鑼灣食過,唔錯,於是一試。 係 OpenRice 訂枱,去到都唔使等,即刻入座,佢餐牌唔多選擇,可能廚房唔太大,為免煮得唔好食,寧願少啲選擇。 今晚三個人點咗 3 個 main course,卡邦那 pizza 🍕 ,鴨胸 + 薄片 + 薯條 🍟,帶子大蝦龍蝦汁闊條麵;三樣都好食,pizza 係薄批,好味,夠脆; 鴨胸就略厭太多肥膏,但夾埋簿片就似片皮鴨 🫢🫢, 帶子大蝦闊麵,好食 😋😋😋😋。 埋單有 85 折,因為唔係食套餐,係散叫,所以有呢個優惠 另外值得一讚係侍應超有禮貌 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-19
位於太古城Apita入面嘅sensu,一路都覺得裝修唔錯,似係幾好食嘅fusion西日式café。呢日lunchtime終於可以去試一試! Lunch menu +28可以食自助沙律吧,4人同行或以上就可以免費升級。不過嗰日我喺Openrice訂座2個人,都照有得揀免費加自助沙律吧,點知去到,先知原來要4人以上先有得免費,有D confusing。不過我人座時見到有烏蠅飛過沙律吧,甚至停留喺芝士粉上面,餐廳實在要諗D方法趕走烏蠅。櫻花蝦虎蝦仁意粉 $128 + $25 Lychee Lemonade特飲味道食落唔錯,蒜香幾香口,不過虎蝦仁呢個概念有D搞笑,虎蝦suppose係大隻,但佢係虎蝦嘅蝦仁~ 杯特飲食幾好飲嘅。埋單加埋一$168,食物質素相對價錢嚟講,應該唔會成日嚟encore。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-01
Sensu 位於太古城Apita 入面距離上一次去太古城隔左段時間,所以搵餐廳果時搵左一陣🤣餐廳果時做緊熊本熊主題,除咗食物有佢造型之外,喺張餐紙上都有熊本熊嘅蹤跡,都好cute ga!! 食物方面,我點左漬三文魚子意大利蕃茄蓋飯,一送上黎就見到一粒一粒飽滿嘅三文魚子同埋蕃茄鋪滿飯上面,加上有一啲食用花點綴,令人忍唔住打卡一張。味道方便初頭入口清新,想像不到原來三文魚子同埋蕃茄都咁夾! 但醬汁係有d 濃味,加上三文魚子都有鹹味,食到一半就嫌有d 鹹咗少少。 整體來說,味道都不錯加上午餐去食有九折,店員服務態度都幾好,都值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)