Restaurant: | PEACE CUISINE (Domain) |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Restaurant: | PEACE CUISINE (Domain) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
宮保雞丁啲雞肉嘅雪味好重, 就算有醬汁包住,都食得出有雪味, 不過份量幾多, 花生都有好多, 68蚊一碟,都真係幾抵食。
楊梅骨, ok呀幾好食, 甜酸度啱啱好, 而且份量亦都唔錯, 啲排骨都醃得幾入味。
糖醋魚塊好食, 啖啖肉, 分量又夠, 甜酸度啱啱好, 好味
新豬肉小籠包, 食唔出係新豬肉,無論口感同味道,都同平時嘅普通小籠包好似
我哋坐嗰張係普通四方形摺枱,鋪咗枱布, 不過張摺枱啲枱腳唔平, 一路食飯一路有啲搖
埋單兩個人食到飽一飽都只係3 3 3, 都算幾抵食
懶得動腦,選4人套餐吧(共5女1 男)