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來自上海的Beef & Liberty,在金鐘星街開了於香港的首間分店,標榜專做用草飼牛肉的高質素漢堡飽。餐廳在Pizza Express樓上,要進去用Pizza Express的升降機才能到達,比較難找。主菜如Cheese Burger ($92) 和 Bacon Cheese Burger ($108) 都不錯,但比預期中小份,而我們也吃不出牛肉有甚麼與別不同。反而前菜 Crispy Chicken Wings ($62/4 pieces) 頗出色,雞皮香脆,雞肉嫩滑,加上韓式辣醬,互相配合得很美味。相比之下,Beef & Liberty 的招牌漢堡包比較遜色,缺乏獨特魅力,而價錢也較貴,午餐大概每人$200 到$250。If only J has made her hatred for Chinese food less explicit, we wouldn't have the chance to go to the recently opened Beef & Liberty for her sort-of farewell lunch last weekend. Nest
If only J has made her hatred for Chinese food less explicit, we wouldn't have the chance to go to the recently opened Beef & Liberty for her sort-of farewell lunch last weekend. Nestled on top of the Pizza Express on Star Street in Admiralty, most of us are misled by its name and thought it's a burger joint run by the Liberty Exchange group, but Beef & Liberty is actually a Shanghainese brand which is known for using 100% Australian grass-fed cattle for its high quality burgers, or so it claims.