
(期間限定) 6.30 肉の日 $498 110分鐘 全日和牛燒肉放題
(期間限定) 6.30 肉の日 $498 110分鐘 全日和牛燒肉放題
Valid Period
How to Redeem Offer
OpenRice members select this booking offer when booking table through OpenRice.
Applicable Restaurants
Terms and Conditions
- This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or any other product.
- The offer is subject to be amended without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of making final decision on all matters concerning the offer.
- The offer provided by the restaurant form business transactions between customers and the restaurant. OpenRice.com will not be liable for any responsibility.
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers.
- This offer is valid until the expiry date stated and is not refundable.
- This offer is applicable to dine-in only.
- Subject to 10% service charge based on original price.
- 此優惠只適用於2024年6月30日。
- 此優惠只適用於全線和牛燒肉一郎分店。
- 放題時間於入座開始計時110分鐘 (完結前30分鐘為截單時間)。
- 同枱客人必須選撰同一種套餐。
- 身高一米至一米三為小童收費。
- 65歲以上持有有效的身份證明文件可享有長者優惠。
- 珍惜食物,剩餘食物將按量收費。
- 圖片只供參考。
- 酒精飲品只供應予18歲或以上之成人。
- 如需延長用餐時間,每30分鐘每位收費$50,成人小童劃一收費。
- 根據採購情況,使用的部位可能會改變。
- 此優惠不適用於Course S1及Course S2放題套餐。
- 和牛燒肉一郎保留最終決定權。