2-min walk from Exit E, Prince Edward MTR Station continue reading
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Japanese Matcha cake:The matcha cake looked nice so decided to get it.I did not realise that when I took the photo of the box I managed to make it look like the end of the world cake because it had the date 21/12/12 on it as well as the words "mut yat"!But the "mut" actually stands for the mat part of matcha for those who know Chinese!Anyway the taste of the cake was rather disappointing because it was dry and too sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-01-04
許久沒有見過伊滕家店踪影, 曾幾何時盛極一時的芝士蛋糕, 確實令人回味.偶然會在便利店見到有賣它的芝士蛋糕, 都會一試.今日終於見到伊滕家的店, 於是入內選購一番.芝士蛋糕食得多, 今日決定一試芝士撻.平生一次食芝士撻, 沒想像中的漏.芝士軟身得來不會爛達達, 撻皮很鬆.我想, 如果回家再烘熱一點, 味道會更香更好. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-23
電腦冇事終於可以寫番晒D食評啦!呢日我同男朋友約左去旺角唱K~男朋友知我肚仔餓買左個芝士飽我食!!見到好開心牙!!梗係第1時間食啦XD好香O既芝士味牙!咬落啖啖芝士!面頭仲有3粒芝士粒TIM!都幾大粒架!芝士粒O既味道有D似平時整CHEESE CAKE O既CREAM CHEESE~有D酸酸O既味道;但係就比CREAM CHEESE硬身!我就覺得好好味啦!個包又好軟;吾會硬;真係好好味!真係估吾到1個麵包, 伊滕家都咁有心去做好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-03-04
三月三日(星期二)相信過了這天,我的日子會比較好過點(在公司!)早上拿了老公昨日給我的換領劵拿了竹炭蛋糕又竹又炭,不知道感覺是那樣的,加上黑色,令我想吃BBQ的炭期望當然不高,原價12元的小小蛋糕,定價比較高同老公share了一半,一口咬下,感覺不錯,甜甜的,而且有一粒粒的口感特別而且看過雜誌說日本一早已經流行吃竹炭,是十分有益的,多吃無妨! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
點解or 得一間伊滕家?同朋友慶祝生日, 想買細點的蛋糕, 但可能太早, 幾家餅店都沒有, 就買了個伊滕家的芝士蛋糕, 打算兩個人k.o 一個作為lunch我覺得最好味是焗了的邊邊位, 少少硬, 芝士味無咁重, 有d似清蛋糕.中間的不會乾, 鬆鬆軟軟的, 吃多件都不會太滯, 可能因為咁, 我和朋友在半個鐘已把蛋糕吃清光了~大個的比迷你的抵食好多, 價錢是迷你的兩倍, 但有成四個的份量, 不過兩個人食好似有點過份~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)