6-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (191)
Level4 2021-11-30
呢間位於大坑的小店賣的是細細碗的馬拉菜,店內的裝潢樸實而乾淨,播放著舒適的歌曲,我十分享受在內進食。香煎脆邊蛋肉餅飯 $38賣相十分吸引,有一隻手掌咁大的太陽蛋覆蓋著肉餅及飯,蛋咬下去很脆,別有一番滋味。餐肉脆邊蛋豬油飯 $32蛋咬下去很脆,餐肉十分薄身,飯就十分滑身。滑蛋叉燒飯 $35這個飯的叉燒是切成一條條的,配合埋滑蛋,口感有點像火腿絲炒蛋飯。蛋炒豬腸粉 $20這個腸粉十分香滑,味道不錯。咖央多士 $20多士咬落十分香脆,咖央醬加牛油都配合得好好,個人喜歡多點醬,因為覺得多點醬會更加好味。胡椒肉骨茶 $35肉骨茶有淡淡的胡椒味,肉骨都煮得十分嫰滑及林。小籠包胡椒湯 $35肉骨茶有淡淡的胡椒味,小籠包內都有湯汁,味道可以。這家小店的食物都是新鮮製作的,聽到它要結業的消息真是覺得十分可惜,希望將來疫情過後它能捲土重來,再創一片天。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
40 minutes for fast food style take out?! Actually, the food was ready for about 20-25 minutes, but the owner was reluctant and said it wasn't mine, later I asked again and again he said mine is not ready... finally another lady checked and sure enough, it's mine...The fried egg pork patty w/ rice is good... it's cold (dahhh...), but good. Pork patty's small... but good.Fish patty is so so... Siao Lung Bao is a fraud! No way it was made fresh, the skin is so thick, and after being in soup for 40 minutes... the whole thing crumbled, broken into flakes.For it's location and the food/services it intends to offer, it's not worth the money continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-11-09
「 超強豬油飯!❤️ 」地址:兩草 (銅鑼灣道) (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣銅鑼灣道110-114號永興閣地舖呢度係大坑,成日都見到有人係呢度食平民飯!我就最鐘意食最簡單又最好味嘅嘢架喇!呢度嘅肉餅係神級,由soy source, 到個肉餅嘅厚薄,我食得出以前呀婆整俾我食嗰陣古早味!不得不提當然有佢哋嘅肉骨茶做主打,當然足料又夠香!最癲嘅係個隻燶邊蛋,係我係婆婆住嘅時候,一餓佢就會整比我食嘅懷舊食物,而家就算自己學整,都整唔到呢份鑊氣!It’s worth to go 💪🏻💪🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️性感指數💋💋💋💋/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
#兩草 有驚喜〰️有驚喜🥰❣️性價比超高的小店〰️看似平平無奇既小店 門外貼上好多名人到店既合照 代表呢間店絕對唔簡單😏▫️香煎脆邊蛋肉餅飯 $40強烈推薦✨肉餅用新鮮豬肉打成 食落唔係肉泥質感 而係仲食到肥瘦分明既肉質 而且加豬油去煎真係好香😋!面頭蓋上脆邊太陽蛋🍳拮爆個蛋黃撈埋一齊食真係超正🥰因為呢個飯 我絕對會再去食🥳👍▫️滑蛋叉燒飯 $38滑蛋叉燒飯驚艷度就無肉餅飯咁大啦〰️但都係好食的 叉燒切得比較細舊 滿滿既滑蛋都食得好滿足〰️😜滑蛋叉燒飯我覺得醬汁都幾重要架 兩草秘製撈飯醬油 唔會太鹹或者太甜 啱啱好❣️▫️蛋炒豬腸粉 $23最後仲嗌咗個蛋炒豬腸粉 畢竟唔係一個周圍容易搵到既小食嘛〰️蛋炒豬腸粉比普通既腸粉多咗蛋香🥚所以唔需要太多既醬汁加強口味都已經好好味了😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-11-06
📍兩草 終於食到依間兩草,依間食店名出名肉骨茶、脆邊太陽蛋同豬油撈飯!其實我今日三樣都有食但係唔記得影相!依碗脆邊太陽蛋香煎午餐肉豬油撈飯,雖然做法簡簡單單,食材都係普普通通,但係就覺得佢非常好食!好香港味道,好有屋企嘅感覺! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)