2-min walk from Exit B2, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
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Opening Hours
17:00 - 03:00
Tue - Sun
17:00 - 03:00
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (15)
Level3 2024-09-29
舒適小店,日本居酒屋feel,座位不多(相信全店不超過30個座位),價錢可能略貴,串燒當然份量是小的,但無限時可以慢慢坐慢慢傾偈,都要明白不能做蝕本生意。唯一留意,沒有免費茶水供應,非酒精飲品種類比較少,多數都係膠樽裝飲品,所以都要預返budget酒水。食品都是即叫即燒,都要預較長時間,所以都係嗰句,大家飲兩杯傾吓偈食少少串燒,唔趕時間,加上佢哋營業時間較長,的確係人少少傾偈相聚嘅好地方。(適合四人或下)支持初心,支持小店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-05
Dinner for 2. Cozy space with approximately 8 tables. Full house when we arrived. Not an open kitchen so no counter seats overlooking chef at work. Ordered a set (15 skewers for $588 which came with a bottle of small sake) to share plus various a la carte items. Here’s what we had.HeartLiver Kidney提燈Tail- a very distinctive tasteSkin- one big piece served stretched out over 2 skewers; never had it like that. Zucchini MushroomNeckThigh- succulentSoft boneCrownLeekClam- a bit small Razor clam- dittoA la carte items:Rice ball- very crispy with moist interior; served with a piece of crispy seaweed. So good I ordered a second serving.Chicken wing in sauce. Preferred salt. White eel- perfectly charred.黑豚ScallopTaiwanese Sausage 馬友- expertly done. Unexpectedly meaty. Wasn’t supposed to eat the skin since it was covered with salt; which was a waste cos the skin was perfectly crispy. In summary: a delectable combination of savory, sweet and smoky flavors. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-24
知道有這小店及說了要黎食野好耐,但太久沒出夜街,九龍城又成日抄牌又少車位,所以遲遲未來。昨晚20240323香港一個非常特別的日子,剛好要開夜11點才收工,去到九龍城居然車水馬龍,多間食肆還是營業中,真係民間夜繽紛,步入小店環境感覺舒舒服服,首先要贊的是個洗手間乾淨得冇野投訴,菜單更種類繁多,每一串都好食,現在香港風光不再,有宵夜的地方不多,留下來的守得不容易,一定會再來留港消費,支持小店。PS 本身是牛more皇,如果能再多些不同種類的牛肉串燒更好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-08
🔥位於九龍城好多泰式串燒 但云云之中就有間日式串燒(´▽`) 食左太多 重點講返我印象中最深嘅🤣提燈真係好少有 好難搵到 必食食串燒點可以唔配生啤 一啖肉一啖啤酒 人間享受(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)~正正子 鹽燒香鱔 鱔夠肥美 厚身 有咬口 咬落有肉汁 燒雞皮依樣係心機嘢 因為要處理雞皮 佢又抆行哂再串又唔可以整穿 仲唔係心機同功夫嘢(。 ́︿ ̀。) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近喺九龍城發現呢間小店,主打串燒,加少量主食同小食串燒類別包括:豚肉、牛肉、羊肉、雞肉、海鮮、蔬菜主食有汁燒飯團、烏冬同拉麵小食主要係香口嘅煎物同炸物呢日試咗4款串燒,1款主食 同 1款小食🔸鹽燒脆白鱔白鱔串燒一向係賣飛佛,係我食串燒嘅必叫item呢度嘅白鱔串燒可以揀 鹽燒 或者 汁燒,我揀咗前者,覺得鹽味唔會搶咗魚嘅鮮味結果無令我失望鱔皮脆脆,鱔肉juicy🔸XO蒜蓉 併 蒜蓉牛油 燒蟶子原本orde 咗1隻主餐牌嘅蟶子王及後發現 期間限定menu 有 ”燒蟶子 $88/2隻”趕得切搵店員改單,仲可以2隻揀唔同味道 ✌🏻 XO蒜蓉 同 蒜蓉牛油2種味道都好味蟶子燒得啱啱好,唔會靭口🔸鹽燒厚切牛舌 正常發揮🔸大蔥牛肉卷食落滿口牛肉同大蔥嘅香味推介俾鍾意食大蔥嘅朋友🔸汁燒飯團呢款主食係唯一有米氣嘅選擇香口嘅飯團➕大大塊紫菜好味又飽肚🔸雞皮餃子 朋友讚雞皮薄脆,佢知我唔食皮,明搶埋我塊‘餃子皮’嚟食😆🤣😆除咗雞皮燒得香脆,餡料亦調味適中雖則我冇食到層雞皮,淨係食餡料都覺得呢款小食出色推介 🙌🏻小店串燒選擇豐富,呢晚嘅order令人滿意席間見到隔籬枱嘅”XO蒜蓉燒原條茄子”、“燒雞皮” 同 “邪惡芝士一口牛” 都超吸引,下次要嚟再戰一番 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)