Restaurant: 品御軒

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

6-min walk from Exit C, University MTR Station continue reading
This Chinese restaurant is located in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the design is elegant. It offers dim sum, stir-fry dishes and seafood. The dishes are served with affordable prices and in large portions. Besides, it provides banquet service too. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
10:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level3 2024-02-20
今日專程過嚟食點心行入去都幾有新年喜慶感Lunch時間都幾多人,好彩朋友提早一日book定位餐牌種類都幾多選擇,樣樣都想食丫樣樣都想食,不過2個人真係食唔到d咩午市粉麵餐同出面茶樓差唔多價錢鮑魚同午間小食好抵食咁,不過等人多先再試蝦餃好好食😋啖啖蝦肉腸粉食落口感淋得黎又脆口,幾過癮!鳳爪好食,好夠味又唔會死咸,味道岩岩好牛肉球都好好食🤤啖啖肉椒鹽魷魚份量估唔到好多,而且唔會皮肉分離,好推薦大家食咸水角就普普通通,熱辣辣都好好食紅棗糕都好食,唔會好甜整體野食水準高而且調味好好一定會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「品御軒」位於中文大學崇基學院,是供教職員聯誼的中餐廳。當天享用了午宴套餐,總共有十道菜式,每碟分量十足,味道也不錯。其中,我特別喜歡醬燒自家製豆腐、黑松露燒賣和桂花杞子糕。醬燒自家製豆腐外觀上,這豆腐並不白色,而是灰灰色的,一口吃下去,味道鹹香,豆香味跟平時的豆腐有點不同,再多嚐幾口才發覺應該係黑豆做嘅豆腐,豆腐先煎香外層,再加上醬汁燒製。黑松露燒賣燒賣大大粒,豬肉彈牙,面頭加上矜貴嘅黑松露,味道濃厚香甜。桂花杞子糕是日精美甜品係桂花榚,材料十足,桂花杞子密度高,大菜絲分量適中,用筷子成件夾起或拮落去再拎起都得,一口咬落去,滿滿的桂花杞子香味,食得方便味道又唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
入咗嚟食飯一定唔係教授就係學生啦、學生都有分好多級啊有博士生㗎,咁睇我哋呢啲年紀都唔係學生啊,係教授級嘅屋企人啊、呢個聽電話同埋睇WhatsApp嘅帶位姿客一啲禮貌都冇😤,冇位就突-句‘咁都冇位點俾你姐’,但係呢又見到隔離有個男人等緊喎,唔知係咪佢識㗎啦又有得等位喎,咁樣回應我好冇禮貌,真係豈有此理喺度住咗10幾廿年食呢間餐廳10年八年啦佢都未嚟啦😡咁樣嘅服務質素喺香港仲要喺中大真係影衰晒囉😡😡😡中大投訴無門,唔知邊度投訴啦,等緊佢個賴店長返工再同佢反映下呢啲事啦,真係谷鬼氣喺度食左咁耐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-06
中午有校友眾會,有農曆新年年宵套餐食。先有點心,咸水角脆口料一般,蝦餃大大粒夠紥實咬口。之後有燒味豬腩夠鬆化,金銀莧菜夠靚嫩口,油雞不肥有肉,炸骨夠鑊氣但好咸,炒伊面較油,炒飯生米骨,紅豆湯圓是紅豆沙會更好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-10-20
作為中大學生已經想試茶樓好耐今次專登book定位 上完堂來食上點心速度都好快個人認為炸雲吞唔錯出面有時會擺到淋哂 或者炸到燶同硬但呢到唔會脆口之餘仲係新鮮整出來食之前要攤一陣先食好啲最推介雪山叉燒餐包一來到熱辣辣個包面好脆入面叉燒料都好足中意食甜包既一定要叫Encore左2碟!野食唔算平 但幾個人夾埋食既人均100唔使難得同frd幾個人圍住飲茶係個唔錯既體驗見到有老師都來食算係canteen以外既一個好選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)