Opening Hours
10:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 21:00
Public Holiday
10:30 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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喜牛蘭州牛肉麵是一家專注於正宗蘭州牛肉麵的餐廳,位於將軍澳澳南海岸的MONTEREY Place,地址是唐俊街23號地下G12號舖。這裡的牛肉麵以其獨特的湯底和新鮮食材而聞名,吸引了眾多食客前來品嚐。我在這裡點了喜牛牛肉麵,選擇了微辣的細面。湯頭清澈而香濃,散發著牛骨熬煮的鮮美味道,讓人一口就愛上。牛肉片鮮嫩多汁,肉質彈牙,搭配上手工製作的細面,口感極佳。這碗牛肉麵不僅讓我感受到地道的蘭州風味,還在微辣的調味中增添了一絲刺激感。隨餐的滷蛋色澤誘人,鹹香入味,與牛肉麵形成絕妙的搭配。而我選擇的熱生薑菠蘿蜜,則是餐桌上的清新亮點,冷熱交替的口感讓整個用餐過程更加豐富。我老婆則點了喜牛番茄牛肉刀削麵。這道菜的湯底酸甜適中,番茄的鮮美與牛肉的濃郁相互融合,讓人食慾大開。刀削麵的口感特別,厚薄適中,嚼勁十足,搭配上新鮮的配料,讓每一口都充滿驚喜。她還選擇了凍鴨屎香檸檬茶,清爽的檸檬香氣與茶香交織,是炎熱天氣中的一抹清涼。此外,我們還分享了一份鹽焗雞和秘製雞翼。鹽焗雞外皮香脆,肉質鮮嫩,充分吸收了香料的精華;秘製雞翼則味道濃郁,讓人一口接著一口。特別是辣椒油,香辣可口,為整個用餐體驗增添了層次感。喜牛蘭州牛肉麵不僅提供美味的餐點,還有舒適的用餐環境,絕對是喜愛牛肉麵的食客不可錯過的好地方!
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Nestled conveniently near Donki in Tseung Kwan O, the Beef Noodle Shop has quickly become a hidden gem for noodle lovers. The moment you step inside, the warm ambiance and aromatic scents greet you, setting the tone for a delightful dining experience.The menu is simple yet enticing, with a variety of beef noodle dishes that cater to different tastes. I opted for their signature Beef Brisket Noodle, and I was not disappointed. The brisket was tender and flavorful, simmered to perfection in a rich, aromatic broth that had just the right amount of spice. The noodles were cooked al dente, providing a satisfying texture that complemented the beef beautifully.What stood out the most was the freshness of the ingredients. The shop prides itself on using high-quality beef and locally sourced vegetables, ensuring that every bowl is not only delicious but also wholesome. The portion sizes are generous, making it a great value for money, especially for those with hearty appetites.Service was prompt and friendly, with staff eager to recommend dishes and ensure a pleasant dining experience. The casual setting makes it an ideal spot for both quick lunches and relaxed dinners.In conclusion, the Beef Noodle Shop near Donki is a must-visit for anyone in Tseung Kwan O looking for a satisfying meal. With its delectable dishes and inviting atmosphere, it’s a place where you’ll want to return time and again.
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