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Review (7)
Level4 2015-05-19
係寶琳新都城既百佳入面,有一堆小食店,其中有一日間賣台灣小食既店。今次買左碗大既魯肉飯黎食,價值19蚊,多左魯蛋,其實都幾扺食。因為碗飯都已經有平時既兩碗飯咁多,兩個人分都仲得。講翻碗魯肉飯,啲醬太鹹,食完好想飲水,食隻蛋嗰陣時冇乜味,可能係魯肉汁個味太重太搶,搞到食唔到隻蛋嘅味,有啲可惜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-13
Haven't had hk or taiwanese street food for ages la and when i saw the name of this shop, it reminds me of the fabulous food in Taipei, therefore I chose to buy some street food from it. As I was quite full, I only bought the set of shumai and curry fishball. Actually, I did not have high expectation on it because of the outlook of the "dish"!!The shumai is quite nice with the sweet soya sauce but not too special. However, the fishball was terribly bad as there was no curry taste at all. Also, the size of the fishball was very small with a hard texture. I had a really bad experience and I would not visit the shop again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-01-30
陰陰涼涼的,想吃點熱的暖暖胃原想試試該店的蚵仔米線惜是日蚵仔沒來貨望了一下唯獨覺得茄汁豬肉丸幾靚仔雖則和米線有點不搭,但也姑且一試吧預先煮好的米線沒有糊糊的,尚算可以湯底比別家的稀身,味精的份量是重但總覺得欠了些什麼大概是少了蚵仔的甜味加持的原因吧值得一讚的是米線上的豬肉丸份量十足卻不會像其他小食店的肉丸,大大顆卻粉粉的炸過以後再抹上少量甜甜的醬汁,不錯笑面是給豬肉丸和價錢的*總的來說還有進步的空間畢竟才15塊錢就能吃到飽也不好要求啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-10-29
雖然這店主要賣台灣小吃﹐但被那香噴噴的咖哩香氣所吸引下買了10粒魚蛋。 這兒的魚蛋不是一串串而是用小膠兜盛載著﹐所以咖哩汁不會滴落地下而因至的環境惡劣。咖哩汁味道蠻辣﹐ 喝下大量的水還不能解辣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
看到了名字...忍不住去看看..叫了柯仔煎,,入口不想停!口感很好...可惜時間太趕..不能再試別的了...服務態度還好...員工都是努力地工作...不過就少了點予工作於娛樂的氣氛~跟我前一天灰紅磡那家日出茶太差遠了!!不過整體上./..OK的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)