天毅金燕莊提供多款燕窩,雪蛤甜品,消暑之餘又清潤滋補,還有即食燕窩可外賣回家慢慢享用。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
石斛木瓜燉雪蛤 紅粉佳人 原隻木瓜燉金絲蓋碎 富貴黃金窩 燕窩鮮奶芒果粒粒果汁 燕窩鮮果紅豆冰
Review (7)
Apart from desserts with the delicacy Birds Nest, this place also sells jars of Birds Nest.I ordered the clear jelly with melon and birds nest, however she said there was no melon so I had to choose another fruit/item.The other choices were watermelon, lychee, rambutan, papaya, purple rice, and mango.As I didnt like the other choices I chose Rambutan.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Clear jelly, rambutan with golden birds nest:When it came, the birds nest was golden and glistening, there was coconut milk poured on the jelly and rambutan.Comparing it to other reviews, the birds nest seem to have been served separately before but when I went it was put on the top.Overall, I liked the jelly with the coconut milk and the birds nest, but I did not like the rambutan because it came from the canned and it was really sweet.It was good that they did not use grass jelly because it would not look as good visually as the clear jelly and the taste of the grass jelly is much stronger.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-11-07
飲完早茶走去天后既天毅金燕窩莊食糖水,今次係第三次去,實在難忘呢度既香芒。石斛木瓜燉雪蛤 $38味道普通,內有 2 條石斛,我將一條放入口咬,硬的,但慢慢有一些脂膏滲出來,最後剩下渣子唔食得。石斛功能滋陰清熱,可以「補五臟虛勞,強陰益精,久服厚腸胃」。椰汁紫米冰糖燕窩 $48唔算係靚紫米,椰香味唔夠,但都可接受。我的至愛,富貴黃金窩 (香芒燕窩撈) $58 一個,芒果味非常香甜!一個字 <正> 呀!其實食甜品好味就可以,有無燕窩對我來講係無所謂,幫襯呢間都係大家一場開心多過想食燕窩,燕窩味被甜味遮蓋,實在無法得知燕窩味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-06-24
一班中同出席校友聚會後, 還想轉場再談, 行行下就找到來這裡。相比隔幾間鋪的晶晶, 這兒無疑是靜得多。店內只有10 個位, 我們一坐下已佔了半間店。這裡以燕窩甜品作主打, 我們就一人點了一款。我要了凍的炭燒椰皇燉燕窩 ($55), 其實是將店中賣的即食燕窩放入原個椰皇內, 不用另加糖都已很清甜, 而燕窩我想應該都有近一兩, 我連椰肉都吃的光光。有朋友更對椰皇燉燕窩讚不絕口, 還外帶了一個回家孝敬父母呢。但我想其實熱的更好吃, 因為我聞到我旁邊的朋友點的熱椰皇燕窩好香啊。其餘的友人分別點了燕窩豆腐花 ($45) 和木瓜燉燕窩 ($48), 看樣子也像不錯。其實這兒還有一款原個木瓜燉燕窩 ($68) 的, 不過好像頗大個, 改天想起要潤一潤的時候再來買吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2007-01-16
有一天經過同傻鬼走入去此店食甜品...2個人叫左個唔知咩既荔枝西米露, 一個什果西米露...我碗什果仲可以不過味道偏淡, 應該係d糖水落得不足...最慘應該係碗荔枝啦...好似用左罐頭荔枝既水來打冰飲落有好多雪水味又淡又唔好食, 荔枝當然都係罐頭貨式啦..真係無下次. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2007-01-16
之前食過好好既原隻木瓜燕窩後,今次的燕窩燉蛋竟然咁差。一打開蓋有陣鯹味,燉蛋好實,好似食緊熟雞蛋甘,真係從來未食過甘差既燉蛋。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)