7-min walk from Exit A2, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
呢間分店真係垃圾中既極品,啲食物質素低到無得再低,員工服務態度差到無論!先講食物,蛋無蛋味,個飯又硬到咩咁,最正係嗌左個咖哩薯仔雞,你可以只係比啲薯仔我?! 你真係煮個咖哩薯仔我就無野講啫,咁樣擺明係搵笨喎!再講埋啲員工,態度真係差到一個極點,買個飯都要受你氣咁,就算你食飯質素差,服務態度好啲都無咁嬲,食物又要難食服務態度又要差,真係你地先做到!我明兩餸飯要求唔洗咁高,但係差到咁真係第一次見,呢間野永遠唔會再幫襯!
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If you're looking for an affordable way to try out some typical home cooked dishes, the rice with 3 courses for $33 (and 2 courses for $28) is a great option. While it's only available for takeout, the ordering process is simple.I tried a few different dishes and while not all of them were to my taste, there were a few standouts. The lemonade chicken (see photo: center in the bottom) had a nice tangy flavor and was well cooked, while the pork chop was juicy. The large portion of rice was filling, but if you prefer less rice, be sure to ask for it.While not all of the dishes were as tasty, I appreciate how affordable the meals were. The convenience of being able to see all the courses in front of you and the ease of ordering make this a great option for a quick and easy meal even if you are not comfortable with speaking cantonese with the ladies at the food store. By the way, the ladies were super efficient yet friendly!Overall, this is a good option for those looking to save money and enjoy some local dishes. Just be sure to choose your courses wisely!
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早排出入境放寬,即刻報咗D平價旅行團上廣州中山行吓玩吓食吓,當時知道入住酒店鄰近就有夜巿,而最期待就係燒蠔! 又好好彩果處夜巿有燒蠔檔,人仔20蚊一打! 好味!星期日,去筲箕灣上D身心靈課程,放學後經過岱民,竟然見到有燒蠔,雖然40蚊得6隻,但香港地已經算抵,即刻買!岱民稱佢做蒸生蠔,名稱唔重要,最緊要係味道同價錢.蒸生蠔係連殼一齊入盒,所以今次買6隻蠔要分開兩盒.話就話蒸生蠔,當然唔係單單蒸生蠔啦,生蠔上都鋪上粉絲,蒜蓉,蔥芯同辣椒.辣椒當然令到生蠔添加辣味,同樣.... 女友小熊話唔辣.佢食咩都話唔辣,因為佢已經係一個辣妹!生蠔嫩滑之餘,又有少少麻油香,當然麻油係我自行添加,更加惹味.生蠔 size 有大有細,姐姐夾生蠔入盒時大又夾D細又夾D,都算公平啦.噢! 一返到屋企就開餐,掛住食忘記咗影照添!總括嚟講,40蚊6隻蠔,又抵又好味!
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