4-min walk from Exit B1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (66)
Level4 2024-09-07
#巴蜀軒豬扒酸辣米線 😋😋😋this plave is over 20years since i was a kid. the quality changes over time. at first the pork is large and juicy and tinder, very good and it just cost 36$. time flys and inflation goes up. toady it cost about 46$ to get a bowl and without drink. very costy but i bet it can gives us equaly food portion. unlucky not. the pork is relatively dry , tiny piece pork right now and not even full upon finish a whole bowl food....taste still good. but just... cant help tho. good luck.the next 3 dishes place cost 40~ but portion x 2 larger. so customer will hv flavor. will see if it survive.probably not coming back🫡#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #ukfood #ausfood #馬保國 #香港美食 #thunder5dicks #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
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喺西環發現咗一間巴蜀軒,午餐時間去咗試佢哋嘅豬扒酸辣米線,再點咗巴蜀麻脆雞扒紅薯粉同凍檸茶,整個體驗真係令人眼前一亮。今次叫咗巴蜀麻脆雞扒紅薯粉。雞扒外皮酥脆,裡面肉質鮮嫩,輕微嘅麻香味道令人回味無窮。紅薯粉嘅選擇亦顯示出巴蜀軒嘅用心,Q彈嘅口感同雞扒酥脆嘅外皮形成完美對比,食落去既滿足又開心。至於凍檸茶,就係喺辣中帶來一絲清新同解膩,酸甜適中,喺享受辣味嘅同時提供咗一個完美嘅平衡,最緊要係檸檬好新鮮,飲落好清新! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-21
今日叫左一碗巴蜀麻脆雞扒麻辣四川粉的外賣,叫左小辣感覺不太辣下次會挑戰下食大辣麻麻地雞塊酸辣米線因為我鍾意食米線多一D而且睇到佢有一個人氣同叻叻的圖案。也推薦大家去食,價錢是底食的只要50$以下就可以享用一碗酸辣粉了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間米線大學時期都食過唔少次🤣 見到最近有人推薦返👍🏻所以特登黎試一試 味道只係剛剛合格❤️ 但係環境實在太污糟油淋淋☹️ 而且份量比以前大倒退 🌚正常男仔胃口完全食唔飽 整體黎講CP值太低了👎🏻⭐️ 招牌豬扒麻辣四川粉 🥩豬扒炸得夠香口🔥 但係計埋骨份量極少🫠而且仲有成舊係肥豬肉完全食唔到🤮 調味偏辣欠麻香🌶️ 四川粉口感好似橡膠咁⭐️ 巴蜀麻脆雞扒酸辣米線 🍜酸辣味比起麻辣更有特色☘️ 但係重點食完超級口渴🥹 雞扒同樣香脆但係同樣炸得太油而且油有種唔新鮮既感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-16
從來冇留意過呢間酸辣米線🙈直至今日朋友提議食米線配料選擇多,特別在有四川粉、紅薯粉可以轉比較出名係佢個招牌豬扒酸辣米線本身想試五香牛肉米線,但係今日冇▶️ 古法手撕雞酸辣紅薯粉 ($43)可自選辣度,咁weak嘅我揀咗唔辣同走炸醬😅雖然唔知手撕雞點「古法」法,不至於嫩滑但還可以冇特別調味,所以食到鮮雞肉味鍾意佢有大量酸菜😋仲有芫荽、 香蔥、脆口花生粒,味道豐富湯底清清地,更能突顯酸菜酸味紅薯粉特別,第一次食呢款,樣似透明版烏冬🍜滑捋捋又彈牙煙靭👍🏻真係要咬多幾啖先好吞份量亦幾多幾足▶️ 香滑奶茶 (+$8)平日少喺出面飲凍奶茶,今日忽然想飲尚算有紅茶味叫咗少甜,但仍然偏甜🧋比較似台式珍珠奶茶茶底食完湯麵口渴飲都幾正幾解渴嘅-比想像中好食,因為黎之前睇OpenRice評語好多都話麻麻哋內在環境有啲細,一大班十個人圍住圓枱坐會迫啲服務唔錯,姐姐們有經驗,單多之餘又要記低唔同辣度同要求 e.g. 走酸菜/飲品少甜少冰等,但上菜完全冇出錯🤯仲要上菜速度幾快性價比高,唔收加一,叫埋飲品平均$50/人又多一個HKU學生飯堂選擇~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)