6-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (22)
Level4 2025-02-19
今日放假約朋友去佐敦行街,行到有啲攰諗住喺附近搵嘢食,行到吳松街見到有大排檔味道好香好吸引,即刻入去試下。御希大排檔,完全係港式風情,雖然坐喺臨時熟食檔但係感覺好舒適。坐低第一時間點支大藍妹,冰涼暢快。白灼花螺,花螺肉質爽口鮮甜,唔需要其他調味,淨係食花螺嘅鮮味好足夠。炒蟶子,蟶子size雖然唔大,但係味道好鮮甜,用大排檔嘅炒法,夠曬火喉。火喉控制得啱啱好,蟶子特別嫩滑,香口鮮甜送啤酒一流。炸乳鴿,乳鴿肉質嫩滑,乳鴿皮炸香脆,一啖咬落去入面仲係好juicy。豉汁蒸倉魚,呢個倉魚簡直冇得頂,魚肉嫩滑,豉汁辣椒完全融入咗魚肉入面,食落去啖啖肉又香口有嘢味。配埋白飯真係又開胃又好味。喺香港而家好少見到大排檔,必定會經常幫襯,價錢合理食物質素好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有台灣朋友來香港玩,特地帶佢地去廟街試下大排檔,體驗快要沒落的香港風味~ 出發前已經先係OP research過,呢間御希大排檔比較少食評,同時每個食評都係positive,咁應該真係organic的好評~ 所以當日鐵定要食呢間!結果~係much more than we expected!首先小菜價錢相宜又大碟(~$88-108,海鮮另計),另外味道係好食嘅 - 西檸雞係生炸,好少炸粉,煲仔飯有焦香味,蝦醬炒通菜唔太油,濃濃的蝦醬味🦐之另外老闆娘+員工們+顧客們都超熱情,見到係台灣來嘅朋友,好主動地幫我們合照,每個大排檔嘅位置都打卡🤣,仲用港普進行有限度嘅文化交流😆😆😆最後最痴線嘅係,老闆娘太想台灣朋友試下佢地嘅招牌蠔餅,主動送了一份給我地,要跟台灣的蚵仔煎比教一下🦪咁熱情嘅餐廳和隔離檯客人,作為local嘅我都表示unbelievable! 一間好有人情味嘅店大家都要多多支持喔! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
great food: flavours you wouldn't get anywhere else. we HIGH RECOMMEND the clay pot rice, sweet and sour pork, fried tofu, and mapo tofu.local service: meaning VERY EFFICIENT and DIRECT. to outsiders it may seem rude. and noisy, loud, chaotic. but theres order to this madness. food came piping hot, drinks were served very quickly, orders taken at rapid speed.PS: don't expect 100% sparkle clean utensils, there's hot water and a container to wash the utensils and bowls yourself. i recommend you do that before eating. great vibes: if it wasn't raining, our group could've been sat outdoors, which is like the pinnacle experience of hk-style food. other than that, the semi-open-air of the establishment adds to the ambience and the local-ness of it all.PS: the toilet nearby is a squat toilet - be aware of this. might want to hold it in until you pop back to the MTR - or if you're a dude then continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-15
收工口痕好想去食大排檔😂搵咗好幾間最後俾呢間老闆吸左入去。舖位位於佐敦熟食亭入面,係屬於香港冬菇亭嘅特色本身有諗過嗌個即整既煲仔飯試吓,不過見到啲小菜幾吸引,配兩個靚仔🤣首先嚟咗碟椒鹽雞扒,雞扒炸到外脆內嫩🤤加上佢有少少避風塘風味,食落完全唔溜,令人想食完一舊又一舊👍金菇粉絲牛肉煲👍特別係用鐵碗擺上明火燒,牛肉粉絲本身就係一個好嘅配搭,但加上少少焦嘅味道特別過癮。呢碟入面都幾足料,好多塊肥牛同粉絲!最後在黑椒薯仔牛柳,食開都會用牛肉粒黎炒,呢間就混雜咗牛柳同牛柳粒一齊炒🤤口感唔會單調,食落好惹味!一般餐廳食呢味嘅洋蔥都係後邊加落去,食落會比較攻鼻,但係呢間好明顯會將洋蔥同個汁煮耐啲,令洋蔥比較林較易入口👍食大排檔當然唔少得啤啤佢啦😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-29
依家嘅大排檔真係買少見少,大排檔嘅小炒好有地道風味,一大班麻麻甩甩吹下水飲下酒真係好過癮😬叫左三個餸,西檸雞、豉椒炒蜆、馬拉盞通菜煲,三個餸都大份夾抵食😬西檸雞炸到皮脆內嫰,加埋酸酸甜甜嘅檸檬汁,勁惹味配白飯食一流🤤炒蜆新鮮,無乜沙,加左豆豉、青椒、洋蔥爆炒,色香味俱全!最驚喜係個馬拉盞通菜煲,本身以為就係得通菜嘅煲,點知原來超級多海鮮,有蝦乾、蝦仁、鮮魷,勁足料,通菜好爽脆,價錢都係88蚊,好抵食😍上菜果陣仲以為上錯菜,原來真係咁豐富🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)