1-min walk from Exit A1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 01:00
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (7)
Level4 2011-03-31
放學了,輝叔叔仍然座無虛席, 再一次到另一邊砵蘭街覓食好了,上次還要店員在門口招徠的另一家清湯腩這晚竟有人滿之患,唯有繼續再向前走,反而這家近港鐵站出口的粉麵店少人很多,而且麵檔那鍋熱騰騰牛雜似乎很好吃,吃個麵吧。進佔近廚得食卡座, 點菜後送上熱茶筷子各一還有紙巾一張,以街坊麵店來說配套算是齊全, 熱茶雖不夠燙口但也有點紅茶味,可以再熱一點更好飲,用來洗筷子就覺得相當浪費了。麵檔師傅親自送來的水餃牛雜米($27)為何只有牛雜?!原來水餃新鮮現煮要後補。層層疊疊的金錢肚、牛膀、肥腸及牛肺排放得工整,份量也算不少,只是比較大路,沒有特別一點的草肚、彎彎腸之類,更枉論是牛沙瓜的牛雜了。湯底不會過濃但仍有湯甜,看到麵檔裡有個如人一般高的大鍋,應是煮牛腩牛雜用,相信湯底也是來自其汁吧。金錢肚爽口不韌;牛膀是邊邊位置,質感沒那麼粉,有點過熟偏實的口感;牛肺組織很有嚼勁,不是軟綿水準; 兩段牛腸最是精彩,雪白肥膏充塞著腸壁,這頭牛牛生前相信肥美如我了!腸壁薄薄不韌,只留極少量牛脂伴吃也感到其甘香,要是全數到肚一定更為甘美,只是這個遊戲已不是我可以參與的了。爽口米粉條條整齊不是碎碎的,吸牛湯後已是一道佳品,再加上大量青蔥味道更好。 後補水餃個子中等, 水餃皮沒同街的新仙般柔滑比較一般, 鮮蝦不算很爽口更沒鮮味, 反而木耳絲份量很多, 帶來極豐富爽口感覺,索索有聲的將其完成,雖是現煮但水準很一般。翠綠芥蘭($11)質素可以,起碼沒有老得有皮的菜莖,而且所用蠔油較淡,增加纖維一流又可飽肚一點。小店的牛腩應是皇道,不少客人也是牛腩麵牛腩粉的點,期間更有外賣牛腩粉麵一叫十碗,利害!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-02-12
I found this friendly restaurant when I exited the MTR at Yau Ma Tei. I was hungry as I walked past and the great big cauldron of beef offal- tripe, intestine, lung, pancreas and brisket was quite spectacular and appetising!I went in and was offered a seat straight away. The friendly waitress and proprietor were welcoming and quick to place my order of beef offal.The dish was simple and delicious. There was very little in terms of marinade, flavour-wise, just pure beefiness. Many of the other customers seem to order the brisket, generally over noodles; but the offal I had was fantastic, cooked perfectly tender.This dish isn't available in the UK...so I came back and ate the same dish 4 times in 6 days...Great value at $45 per plate. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-09-11
成日黎呢間食牛腩河, 真係無乜邊間好食得過呢到!比足料, 咬落夠淋又係坑腩黎, 價錢唔貴食過一定話好食!!其他食物比較一般, 但都還可; 基本上牛既部份都唔錯其他常餐之類同一般茶餐廳差唔多 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-06-28
我係油麻地附近返工, 所以差唔多隔兩、三日都會叫呢間既外賣, 叫親都一定叫牛腩河, 因為呢間既牛腩係我食咁多地方應為最好食既 (我起碼食過十五間不同地方既牛腩) , 牛腩夠"淋",肥瘦均勻, 趙落好有口感, 應該係坑腩黎既, 超正! 暫時未食過有邊間既牛腩好食過呢間。堂食$19碗, 飲品加$5-7蚊, 外賣什麼只要有一個膠盒都會加一蚊, 值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-06-18
我倆叫了一碗紫菜牛腩牛筋米線, 一碗牛肚麵, 一碟芥蘭全走, 一客炸魚皮..清清地 !!1) 牛肚麵 - 牛肚排成一整塊, 好爽 ! 幼麵冇醶水味, 唔淋 ! 2) 米線 - 紫菜是綠色的, 冇砂 ! 牛筋淋得嚟有力 ! 牛腩唔係深啡色果D, 淋得嚟有力 ! 原來佢比足料...係坑腩嚟嫁 !!3) 芥蘭 - 啱啱好, 透芯唔會生, 好有菜味 !4) 魚皮 - 我平時唔肯食嘅, 今次試吓.....点解會好似薯片咁好食嫁..? 又脆又焦香, 又驚又喜..!!原來咪睇呢間嘢普普通通, 但又好好食喎...!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)