7-min walk from Exit B, Tai Koo MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
等候時間十分長食品份量不足廚房師傅不停食煙食物內有煙頭煙灰 ,有異味,環境有老鼠曱甴,老闆娘態度差不時講粗口,不停食煙。價錢同寫出嚟嘅唔符合差差差差差差差差差差差差
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2024年,如果喺鰂魚涌返工,Lunch time 想食一碟即炒粉麵飯,連凍飲起碼要$60呢度只要$50樓下就搞掂,雖然無冷氣,但價錢同埋食物質素已經令你人感到值得今日食咗蝦醬通菜牛肉飯,即叫即炒,落單後已經聞到廚房傳出陣陣蝦醬味,味道就等如食緊小菜咁,連凍飲$45埋單要留意食飯時間要等耐d. 我今日都等咗15分鐘,其實算快了,如果趕時間可以幫襯隔離檔,因為佢哋有2個爐頭,但味道.......大家試吓就知
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叫了三個小菜:水煮牛肉 (少少少少spicy)豉椒炒鮮由( 味道普通)東記一品煲外賣回家,打開盒看,以為俾錯食物。將自己店舖名加上一品煲,即係其他店的招牌XXX,正常應該係店舖燃手好菜,價錢也是比一般小菜貴,但一打開,只見成個外賣碗內大部分都是西蘭花、然後其他蔬菜,再用筷子夾開西蘭花才見到咁粒小蝦球,及一件很小的魚肉。這就是東記一品煲?感覺十分疑惑,於是打去問,佢話:係呢3個餸喎!啱架啦!我:呢個似雜菜煲多啲喎。。。女店員(好冇禮貌,聲大夾惡):你自己同事頭婆講!於是我照樣同老闆娘講一次,佢都話係甘。。。算,絕不會有下次!甘嘅服務態度,永不再光顧!嬲得滯冇影相TIM
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weather was too good to be at home so an ad hoc hike was the way to go! but before that, time for a quick lunch at the nearby hot food centre at the quarry bay market!there are only a few options in this hot food centre so I picked this place as it is at the entrance with friendly staff greeting me. lots of food options available though and since it is the first time of trying this place, i picked the beef fried rice.food came pretty quick and portion was quite good! it was tasty but slightly a bit too salty to my taste. they also have chilli oil available and that always matches well with fried rice! Fried rice itself was $36 and $4 extra for hot/ice drink, what a bargain!environment wise it is a bit old.. and 'dirty' but you can't expect too much given it is located right above the wet market.overall good experience and will come back!
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今日去鰂魚涌熟食中心午飯,這裏有好幾家店 ,今天選擇去東記。老闆娘安排一個靠近牆邊座位, 有一些雜物在旁邊。我坐下點了一碟乾炒叉燒河及可樂一罐。然後發覺在靠邊的雜物內有大量小曱甴爬來爬去,數量不少於20隻,我立即跑到去另外一張枱坐下來。我明白這種熟食中心有曱甴是難以避免的,但是數量之多我實在難以接受,何況那些雜物是放在桌上的,所以是有機會爬到我的食物裏面,我希望東記可以處理一下這個問題。食物方面叉燒乾炒牛河夠鑊氣,份量足,加上可樂加冰底也不用加錢,經濟實惠,如果衛生方面可以改善的話我還是會再去吃的。
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