5-min walk from Exit E, Prince Edward MTR Station
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
10:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
放假同朋友嚟花墟行下,順道去附近嗰間「棋子燒鵝」食晚餐。餐廳內在環境寬敞,裝修簡潔,坐得舒服。店舖專營港式燒味,而家喺九龍區有 7 間分店,每間店都自設工場,燒味食品全部都係現場製作,保證新鮮!點咗原隻燒鵝髀飯、腩仔油雞飯 同 一碟例牌叉燒。原隻燒鵝髀飯 ($100),燒鵝髀好靚仔,大大隻,外皮油潤光澤,肉質鮮嫩多汁,每一口都散發著濃濃煙燻香,加上啖啖肉汁,令人讚不絕口。另外碟燒腩仔油雞飯 ($58) 賣相亦非常誘人,腩仔外皮脆卜卜,肉質肥瘦均稱;油雞肉厚肥美,皮薄爽彈,咬下帶豉味甘香,用來送飯一流! 棋子叉燒 ($88/例牌) 叉燒用上新鮮豬肉,肉質半肥瘦,入口彈牙軟腍,帶有油脂香,加上以麥芽甘甜再混合微焦嘅「燶邊」,非常惹味👅 點燒味飯奉送咖啡或茶,熱檸茶清香不澀、而熱奶茶亦濃郁滑順,味道不錯。
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呢間主打煙燻燒鵝嘅燒味店開業幾年 已經有六間分店✨設店內工場 即時製作 確保新鮮💯.📌全日常餐 $48今次係比同澳牛一樣嘅常餐吸引到 價錢平$10 仲要唔使排隊‼️1️⃣棋子叉燒意粉-叉燒偏瘦 唔夠軟嫩 但唔乾柴 有豬鮮味🍖意粉輕輕淥熟 口感爽彈 浸得來都唔會好腍🍝2️⃣香滑炒蛋及火腿-炒蛋半生熟 口感好滑嫩 對比澳牛嘅濃牛油同奶香 呢度就係重油香🍳火腿正常發揮🥓3️⃣牛油厚多士-方包烘底後香脆鬆軟 夠厚身 加埋炒蛋都唔會太濕腍🍞4️⃣熱咖啡-店員話係即磨咖啡 好似好高級咁 餐飯差唔多食完先嚟 甘苦味幾濃郁 一般質素☕️.📌棋子燒鵝(例牌) $168嚟到當然要食招牌煙燻燒鵝 嗌例牌竟然有鵝髀🪿現場即燒 色澤鮮艷 皮薄肥腴而不膩 肉質鮮嫩多汁 煙燻香氣濃郁🔥.📌脆皮燒腩仔(例牌) $108平時最怕燒腩仔會過鹹 但呢度恰到好處❤️🔥外皮超脆卜卜 肥瘦相間 食到豬鮮同脂肪甘香🐷.📌燒鵝雙拼飯(燒腩仔) $73價錢唔貴 飯同餸嘅份量好足🍚.📌單拼三文治 $23方包冇烘底 食落更鬆軟🍞炒蛋濕潤嫩滑富蛋香🍳包身同蛋都好厚 成件三文治好大份🥪.如欲查看相關食物相片 可查閱本人已上傳之影片🎦
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..I went to a restaurant called "Ki'son Roasted Goose"(棋子燒鵝)located in 太子長沙灣道21號地下..this restaurant specializes in various chinese BBQ protein.."Crispy skin pork and chicken"燒肉拼切雞HKD$58..the Crispy skin pork is super yummy .with golden crispy skin .layered fat in between .highly recommended ."Roasted goose on rice/noodles"燒鵝粉HKD$60..The signature dish of this restaurant.the skin is crispy and crunchy.with a nice hint of smokey flavour.with scrumptious,luscious fat between the skin and meat..can pairing with the vermicelli or rice .."egg Sandwich"蛋三文治HKD$27.with nice buttery flavour.the egg is creamy.the toast is nicely toasted .with golden crispy crust..I went to a restaurant called "Ki'son Roasted Goose"(棋子燒鵝)located in 太子長沙灣道21號地下..this restaurant specializes in various chinese BBQ protein.."Crispy skin pork and chicken"燒肉拼切雞HKD$58..the Crispy skin pork is super yummy .with golden crispy skin .layered fat in between .highly recommended ."Roasted goose on rice/noodles"燒鵝粉HKD$60..The signature dish of this restaurant.the skin is crispy and crunchy.with a nice hint of smokey flavour.with scrumptious,luscious fat between the skin and meat..can pairing with the vermicelli or rice .."egg Sandwich"蛋三文治HKD$27.with nice buttery flavour.the egg is creamy.the toast is nicely toasted .with golden crispy crust..I went to a restaurant called "Ki'son Roasted Goose"(棋子燒鵝)located in 太子長沙灣道21號地下..this restaurant specializes in various chinese BBQ protein.."Crispy skin pork and chicken"燒肉拼切雞HKD$58..the Crispy skin pork is super yummy .with golden crispy skin .layered fat in between .highly recommended ."Roasted goose on rice/noodles"燒鵝粉HKD$60..The signature dish of this restaurant.the skin is crispy and crunchy.with a nice hint of smokey flavour.with scrumptious,luscious fat between the skin and meat..can pairing with the vermicelli or rice .."egg Sandwich"蛋三文治HKD$27.with nice buttery flavour.the egg is creamy.the toast is nicely toasted .with golden crispy crust..
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經過呢間#棋子燒鵝 ,見到幾多人叫外賣,眼見環境舒適,枱櫈新淨,請朋友食燒鵝,於是就叫咗個二人餐入內堂食,一啲都唔失禮!2人餐🥢[ 鵝(例牌)】燒鵝整體而言都算高級,唔係一般茶記會食到嘅。柴香味,啲肉好實唔會好老,肉質亦都夠滑,加上係燒鵝髀,仲啖啖肉。[油雞]雞生熟程度做得啱啱好,近骨位置啱啱熟。豉油味香濃,送飯一流,必點之一。[菜心]份量正常,鮮嫩爽甜,很解腻![米粉][白飯][凍檸檬茶]X2總結:燒鵝專家水準一流,食到燒鵝香味道,不是很多燒味餐廳能做到,特別要說的是餐廳的裝修,坐得很舒服,大家都食得好開心。
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