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Review (71)
Level2 2024-08-26
棟記來過晚飯,價錢不貴, 中規中舉, 午飯倒是第一次, 應該係第二次先啱, 上星期已經來了一次, 叫咗個椒鹽豬扒飯, 冇太大驚喜, 但見到好多人食生炒排骨飯, 個樣幾好喎, 所以今日特登來试, 午餐選擇多,價錢亦都唔貴, 堂食外賣都人多.講返個生炒排骨飯, 排骨都幾脆口, 應該係當天才炸, 有肉有骨, 配菜有洋蔥,紅椒,青椒,菠蘿, 該有嘅都有, 酸甜度越亦拿捏得不錯, 生炒排骨飯加凍飲, 盛惠52蚊, 都不錯喎. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-02
Came here for a dinner on a weekend. Food was alright, tasted like what we would expect it to. However, the service was extremely slow and the dishes literally came one after another as if we were eating a 6 course dinner? This was rather weird since you would expect to have a bite of each dish together with a hot bowl of rice!Not only this, the servers were a bit hard selling on certain types of beer when we clearly asked for Asahi. Guess it’s for the business but it just felt aggressive!6 dishes for around $150 per person (6ppl). On a slightly pricier side, and can definitely get better quality and cheaper daipaidong style food elsewhere. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食物貴,態度差,員工講話係$13/罐,到最後老闆收錢話$15 ,我話係你嘅員工話$13 ,老闆竟然叫我自己睇餐牌,完全態度惡劣又唔肯認錯!佢堅持收$15!食物質素還可以接受,其他員工一般服務都還可以,不會再來幫襯!當中的粟米魚肚羹是可以的,其他的食物味道一般,份量又少。青檸梳打一杯竟然收$35。青檸雞味道一般,皮厚粉多。尖椒炒腩肉太油膩,尖椒完全沒有味道。楊州炒飯星洲炒米,豉油王炒麵份量太少,味道偏鹹。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-20
去过两次,两次连饭都没吃到。 有一次等了45分钟点菜但无一个到,连个干炒牛河都做不出来。跟阿姐说帮忙问一下厨房,她问也不问,根本不理。另外一次去,服务员竟然说我们坐的位置太远,她拒绝写菜。 我们坐的位置是他们安排的,也不是我们选的。不过好彩没吃饭就走了,那位员工随后冲进洗手间腹泻,之后又回来工作。这样的地方你敢去吗?❌❌❌Possibly one of the worst restaurants in HK, both in terms of service and hygiene.Tried to go twice and left twice without even eating. Once we waited 45 minutes and not a single dish came. When we asked the staff to check with the kitchen, they didn’t even bother asking and just ignored us. We left without eating because nothing was served.Another time we were seated at a table by their staff. No one came to take our order, and when we walked over to a member of staff to place an order, she loudly complained that we were seated too far and she refused to take our order. Luckily, however, we left without eating, because that same member of staff rushed into the toilet clearly with a stomach virus. She then came back to work. Would you want to eat at such a place?❌❌❌ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日午餐時間約左朋友係上環食飯, 我地決定左去上環街市2樓的熟食中心搵食上到2樓, 職員好熱心咁拉客, 於是我地就決定試試棟記我揀左咖哩豬扒炒飯, 加熱檸茶炒飯炒得算乾身, 足料的豬扒, 再加上香辣的咖哩, 惹味香口價錢只係46蚊 (加埋熱/凍飲品), 係而家黎講, 性價比算頗高了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)