5-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (46)
Level1 2016-08-26
店鋪明顯已經轉左手, 改左名做面對麵, menu一樣但質素十分一般, 叫左個胡椒豬骨湯底, 食落似就咁加胡椒粉整成...加左豬大腸墨丸金菇, 材料比得好少, 最後叫左個尖椒皮蛋, 同某連鎖米線店既皮蛋質素爭極遠, 失望而回 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-09
店面雖然不大,但給人一種好活潑好young的感覺。車仔麵料好足,滿滿一大碗。湯底的確清甜,蘿白好入味,非常多汁。麵底有咬口的幼麵,腩汁相當好;豬腸軟淰;牛腩的五香味是存在的入口也夠軟熟瑞士雞翼十分入味。肉輕輕一咬就從骨中撕開,可見是炆煑得十分夠他家的凍奶茶飲起來頗有風味,少咗奶的甜膩,可以一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-07-05
見到FB有新車仔麵店,仲要喺旺角喎,諗住去試下啦,點知就出事!叫兩碗麵一碗有豬潤牛丸,一碗午餐肉魷魚牛柏業新開張連菜都唔送多條,豬潤收人$10個餸得個兩塊半,仲要細細塊咁,同阿老細講完,仲話下次俾多幾塊你,重點係下次喎,新開張都唔識做少少,客人投訴照聽,不過冇打算理你!唯一可以讚嘅係新開張送紙包檸檬茶廚房啲人又成日行出行入,成日聽見廚房個人話要出嚟涼冷氣,做得廚房就係熱架喇,邊間餐廳啲廚師會成日行出嚟涼冷氣架!呢間真係唔洗指意會有下次!又貴~服務又一般!唔好意思嘅係~我冇影相~因為影嚟都浪費我手機嘅位! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-07-03
Che Jai Meen noodles, or car eat noodles, are a hong Kong necessity!It's the local noodle shop that defines "mix and match" - basically you choose the type of noodles you want (egg noodles, thick or thin, rice vermicelli or flat noodles even Nissan noodles or udon!)Then we choose the soup base, clear broth, laksa flavor, or pork bone soupbaseThen we choose the toppings! ranging from fish balls, beef balls, chicken wings, sausages, squid to vegetable types such as turnip or lettuce.I ordered fake abalone, turnip and cuttlefish balls , thin noodles in laksa soup broth!as much as people don't think these ingredients won't match, I think this laksa soup's taste is very deep and strong, yet not overly spicy!this is rice noodles in beef bone soup broth, with chicken wings, turnip,sausages!with some curry sauce on top this is perfect! the rice noodles absorb the soup well (much better than egg noodles) and the absorbed flavor is really delicious.we even ordered an extra snack, this is皮蛋, preserved egg! so delicious...when I eat it with my noodles too.this photo was taken after I left at 3pm in the afternoon (non peak hour).the restaurant was not overly packed, and I appreciate their kind service and kept refilling water for me even though we stayed for a while.great service and real good value for money.shopfront continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-06-24
於一眾平民地痞食制當中,不可否認的是小弟對車仔麵確是情有獨鐘....每逢一收到風有甚具水平的車仔麵店,小弟都會毫不猶疑的飛撲過去光顧....今天下午,一支公來到女人街,為的就是要嚐新,試一所號稱主打新派車仔麵的新舖....這店就連舖內的裝修格局也挺潮挺新派的....雖謂這裡稱自己做"新派"車仔麵,但望一望落單點餸紙時,卻發現所用所能選的料,都不算是很特別很新....麵底除了有最基本的那幾款"行嘢"之外,麻香車仔乾撈算是較有啅頭的,就叫這個吧;接著點的蘿蔔、豬腸及牛腩,都盡是非常經典,夠晒行的車仔餸....焦點所在的麻香汁調的味道偏甜而帶微辛辣,麻的程度卻只屬輕度未至令舌頭感到有起痺。細嗒之下還感受到有蔥及莞莤的香氣跑出來。總體上是不俗的,當然如果可以再麻一些也就更實至名歸....麵底是饒有咬口的幼麵,掛汁的能力是相當好;豬腸雖軟淰但那份膻臭味卻稍嫌太重了;牛腩的五香味是存在的入口也夠軟熟;蘿蔔是最出色的,進口沒渣之餘又弄至滿嘴清甜之味....另一點可以改善的,就是麻辣醬汁似乎是下得太多了,吃完後還有一小攤的留在碗底。當食至尾段時,口腔是感到越來越鹹....瑞士雞翼很甜肉算是十分入味。肉輕輕一咬就從骨中撕開,可見是炆煑得十分夠時候....天氣仍是熱得很,此時吃一口乾撈麵,再灌一口冰涼爽快的檸七,誠最佳享受也.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)