Restaurant: 海皇漁港

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit B, Ma On Shan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Good For
Group Dining
Additional Information
Free of charge for 2 hours during Dinner Period[Parking]
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Roast Goose eel in 2 tastes
Review (146)
Level4 2025-01-05
今日又來平時去開嘅海港飲茶,今日阿哥阿嫂都嚟一行五人下午茶特價點心紙唔同咗樣播 不過都大同小異,冇加價,播唔錯今日想食粥嗌咗皮蛋瘦肉粥,不過今日唔係特別靚,冇乜材料打晒斧頭 🪓未到就OK同埋幾綿嘅質地 XO醬蘿蔔糕,今日冇乜XO醬唔係太難,但係幾完整幾靚仔 差油雞米線,今日都幾靚仔,同埋碗米線都唔會話碎濕濕咁樣計幾好彈性 唔錯鹹菜豬肚雖然係特價,但係好大份數量都唔少喎 抵食每次必嗌嘅金錢肚今次就比較好薄 唔係太厚,底下有兩舊大蘿蔔 新鮮又新鮮,但係就比較真係厚度爭啲 食完唔係太滿足蝦腸粉同埋紅油抄手都好好味,控油抄手入面係鈺嚟嘅冇蝦 今次嘅調味唔錯,有啲唔知喼汁定醋,唔會好油腸粉質素穩定,不過就一條韭黃都冇 腸粉皮煙靭又彈口幾好星洲炒米就麻麻哋,今次要讚嘅就係星洲炒米唔會話碎晒同埋好特別用粉絲 材料都幾足有好多下粒洋蔥粒蛋絲芽菜、仲有叉燒絲不過嗰條尾就比較弱,有阿哥同阿爸喺度都食淨 落得好少咖喱粉定係唔知唔夠鹽 總之就一啲都唔惹味最後仲有個燒賣同牛肉球,呢個雖然遲嚟,但係質素好好,燒賣好多冬菇,亦都有啲蝦粒 成粒燒賣,賣相唔錯,大大粒牛肉球真係唔知點解永遠係特價,但係好味有大大嚿今日唔係好多人成餐茶飲得幾舒服,又唔會迫亦都唔會等好耐點心 但係唔知點解而家海港好似服務好爭啲永遠要自己玩水斟水廁所就都算係咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-11
Went here to yum cha with my family before heading to Mong Kok for some errands. .We ordered the following dim sum:-Steamed Chicken Feet with Sauce The well-marinated chicken feet had a soft texture, easy to bite into, with plenty of peanuts. -Garlic Shrimp Spring Rolls Served piping hot, the substantial spring rolls had a crispy skin which complemented the shrimp filling. -Steamed Rice Rolls with Shrimp and Chives The portion of shrimp and chives in the rice rolls was a bit limited. -Charcoal Lava BunThe buns contained a savoury custard filling which spilled out upon tearing. -Steamed Shrimp Dumpling The dumplings had a slightly thick skin.  -Shanghai Xiaolongbao Filled with hot soup, its skin was a bit dry and thick though. -Steamed Squid with Garlic The squid was chewy and the garlic elevated its freshness. -Shrimp and Pork Dumpling with Crab RoeThe dumplings were quite meaty. .The resto was particularly popular during lunch hour, and offered discount during morning and afternoon tea sessions. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-14
本來食咗早餐,準備同鄰居打波。但係鄰居話打波前打打底,咁就揸車過咗馬鞍山食嘢,佢就俾咗兩間選擇我最後就揀咗飲茶,之前有其他鄰居話質素差咗,咁就要親身試吓係咪真係咁樣。啱啱嚟到可以落下午茶飛,等咗大概半個鐘頭就入得座。因為以前成日同屋企人嚟飲茶,本身就唔係咁想影相,所以最初碗燒鴨米線都冇影到,因為都係俾啲鴨尾搭兩件上庄肉。因為冇乜期望,所以都係影一張全家福就算。但係食落又唔係真係咁差喎,個XO醬炒蘿蔔糕大大件XO醬亦都好多同埋唔會煎到油淋淋。個芋絲餅雖然就切到細細粒同以前個賣相有啲唔同,但係都整得好脆口,相當好食。蝦餃燒賣都係正常表現,牛肉大大粒啲馬蹄都幾爽口。係個抄手就普通啲雲吞加辣椒油,但係就唔辣嘅。個皮蛋瘦肉粥我就幾鍾意,因為夠杰撻撻。但係個牛仔骨佢唔知係咪落錯咗喼汁落去醃,有啲酸,但係就唔似變壞嗰隻酸味呢個就有少少扣分。一來個味道二來個份量,中間整嚿大芋頭嚟晾高,佢一籠裏邊都多牛仔骨。整體嚟講同以前食差唔多,近近地又係一個唔差嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-18
難得放假,同最愛姨甥女去食飯,問姨甥女想食咩…話想食龍蝦伊麵,咁我地去左海王漁港食飯近屋企,我地3個人去到,同姨甥女睇魚缸揀做緊優惠$198/斤西澳龍蝦,2斤幾,然後伊麵加$68,芝士再另加$100,小朋友喜歡食便照加。先黎左個叫花膠腐皮豆腐煲$148,個煲打開蓋香噴噴,花膠腐皮豆腐冬菇都煮得入味,唯獨個 類似秀珍菇類酸左壞左,我見我地食左一半,費時叫人換,祗好夾起菇類沒吃。然後到左藍瓜子斑魚$168/1斤,條魚蒸得剛好,很滑,點埋豉油好味,條魚唔多骨,小朋友都食得開心。小朋友最盼望的龍蝦伊麵到左,但黎左個烏冬底,小朋友見到唔開心,因為佢唔喜歡烏冬,同原來一心係黎食芝士伊麵,個經理知道錯左都即時免左個伊麵費用,但小朋友難免會失落,我又唔想食餐飯去理論點解唔換俾我,小朋友又唔食,最後將嗰2斤幾龍蝦外賣帶走,埋單$918,這間食物質素其實幾好,可惜錯單。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-20
今日同屋企人去海皇漁港飲茶,真係嘆到我一句「正」!首先話你知,佢個🐠百花釀魚肚,真係啖啖都意猶未盡,魚肚彈牙得嚟唔油膩,啲釀料仲好飽滿,每啖都咁juicy,好食到停唔到口。跟住試咗個叉燒腸,哇!叉燒熔口得嚟,肥瘦適中,完美融合喺腸皮嘅Q彈之間,真係「幾可以」!至於鳳爪排骨飯就經典咁包你飽肚,點心皇帝鳳爪啖啖肉,口感黏唔膩,排骨又香噴噴,入口即化,真係👍。而金錢肚就嘆到我眼前一亮,新鮮滑嫩得嚟份量足,食得我心情都舞熊起上!整體嚟講,今次飲茶,除咗所謂嘅「茶位貴三蚊」之外,味道、服務、體驗都係一流,真係「食在好滋味」。下次飲茶,海皇漁港定係我嘅首選,無錯過!😊🍽️🍵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)