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Review (12)
Level4 2011-02-12
fish ball hor funfish ball is spongy and not much MSG i think coz dun feel thirsty after that~i can taste some fish taste but not artificial one~ there are 4 fish balls inside which is not very small~hor fun is not oily and very smooth, it won't b easily broken when i use chopsticks to hold itthey add some fried garlic and "chung" on top of the hor fun as well~soup base is very clear and fresh~soya bean milk just so so coz quite dilute and not much bean taste,,,,,not sweet enough too continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-22
The noodles were harder than I was expecting and not chewy at all.The soup was quite thick, but after a while it went watery.It was very spicy containing pickled chili vegetables and peanuts.The other dish was fish patty in soup and it was strong in MSG. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-05-23
第一次行連理街, 發覺這裡有不少小食店, 不想吃炸雞塊那麼油膩, 見有生菜魚肉看似很輕食, 就停下慢慢的選擇懷舊狗仔粉($13) - 感覺和哪喳麵很相似, 只差沒有那豬油渣, 菜甫, 冬菇, 花生, 蝦米, 蔥等, 每樣配料本身味已很出, 另加上麻油更覺香口, 而銀針粉吸盡了湯底精華, 味美生菜鯪魚肉($13) - 魚肉粉多肉少, 完全吃不到魚味, 以份量搭夠菜肉餃子($12) - 店員煮完後會問要什麼醬汁, 簡單的就要了豉油, 菜和豬肉比例各半, 咬開軟腍不至過實, 收貨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-05-09
幫襯過N次,一星期平均三次,放工經常來食燒賣。燒賣 $6 五粒,大大粒,熱辣辣時更好食,必加辣油。不過感覺比以前差了點,記得初時的燒賣好好食,現在的質素不穩定了,有時蒸得太淋,有時又實了點,有時又不夠熱,但我會繼續幫襯的。魚蛋 $6 五粒,有四種(原味,咖哩,麻辣,勁辣),只有原味未試過。咖哩就是普通的咖哩,不辣。麻辣是最辣,吃過一次就沒再吃,好辣好麻,頂唔順,要邊吃邊飲水。勁辣吃過幾次,在辣魚蛋之上再加勁辣汁,好惹味刺激,但每次都是拿回家吃,因為好辣,在街吃怕邊吃邊流眼淚鼻涕。咖哩魚片頭都是 $6 五件,個人喜歡食魚片頭多於魚蛋,好像更爽口。吃過幾次,質素穩定,每次都是熱辣辣,若咖哩味濃些更好,而且有時會咸了一點。最值得推介的是酸辣羹,我的大愛!這裡的酸辣羹超正,又夠酸又夠辣,用料多,整碗都很杰,吃完一碗好飽。另一推介是狗仔粉,起初不知何謂狗仔粉,試過一次就喜歡上了。對狗仔粉認識不深,也不知道正宗的狗仔粉如何,但好食就得!樣子像銀針粉,湯呈奶白色,很杰,加上辣菜甫,花生,蝦米,好香,吃時連湯都一拼吃完。好久之前試過麻辣米線,可加兩配料,選了金菇和蓮藕,這個真的很辣,份量比酸辣粉少。最近試了新出的酸辣粉,選了紅薯粉加金菇,好大碗,但味道有點失望,當作粉麵是好吃的,湯底很香很濃,但不夠酸辣。中式包類和餃子不打算試了,不抵食。這類店不期望有服務,不過阿姐都很有禮貌,每次都會問下”要唔要辣”,”裝埋一齊定分開裝”,”拎走定係度食”,之後每次都提你自行拿羹拿叉。每次都有一個想法,就是這間店很不環保,幾粒魚蛋就用了一隻膠碗了,一日如此多人,不知道一天要消耗多少隻膠碗,旁邊的垃圾桶幾乎全都是膠碗。不過在商場也很難只用竹籤來食,是環境衛生問題。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
漁民魚蛋王子將自己塑造成魚蛋王子但這似乎有點自大我認為作為小食店漁民魚蛋王子很普通咖喱魚蛋($6@5粒)1.食物水準很普通魚蛋是比一般的大粒而且也較彈牙但是很普通咖喱汁也很淡$6, 5蚊這個價錢我9願到厚德街市買2.服務態度店在商場內雖然較為衛生似乎比街邊檔高級但服務方面跟街市的無異「事事旦旦」將5粒魚蛋放入紙杯內放上桌上, 收錢多謝也沒有一句, 而且叉也不給真的要檢討一下以魚蛋來說漁民魚蛋王子「比上不足, 比下有餘」 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)