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Review (38)
Level4 2015-09-12
It seems that this joint no longer has a fixed stall so they have a temporary mobile one.Anyway, I am not really an offal fan but the smell was captivating so I went to have a look and saw some pomelo peel so I got that.I got a takeaway because it was difficult to stand there and eat as the place was too hot.Shockingly, the pomelo was put straight into the plastic bag which I hope is food grade because hot food shouldn’t be placed directly in contact with plastic bags but that is the mentality here.Some restaurants even use plastic cups for boiling water.The pomelo peel was mushy and delicious, oozing with beef offal broth as you ate.It was old pomelo peel because there were lots of fibres but luckily they were soft because it has been boiling in the pot for at least a few days.The only flaw was the saltiness because it was a bit too salty. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-10
去開西灣河,周圍沒有可逛街的地方,於是走入太安樓看看,其中牛雜小食檔頗吸引,價錢亦唔貴,我跟住前面的食客,照樣買了一份$15牛雜,女檔主很友善,她問我要不要柚皮和牛脆骨,之前沒有吃過,當然也想試一試。$15一碟牛雜,份量是比想像中多,柚皮和牛脆骨各有兩塊,足夠試真味道,柚皮很鬆軟,亦入味,之前的預備功夫很多。白色的牛骨一點也不硬,很有脆。一碟牛雜有一半是牛肚,還有一些牛肺,白蘿蔔等,但是沒有牛腩。牛雜全都很入味,始終帶一絲絲肉類的腥味,所以吃牛雜總離不開那三種醬汁,我愛加芥醬和甜醬,別人還會加辣醬。原以為餐廳搜尋裡不會有這小檔,所以今次沒有拍照。寫此食評的同時,在網上搜尋有關牛雜的資訊,發現一篇爽報的報導,內容指出小檔儲存牛雜的地方衛生欠佳,真的很影響再去幫襯的念頭。不過報導是去年十一月發出,今天仍然有很多街坊捧場,等候時看見有人帶微波爐盒去買,牛雜之外,又要加豬皮,加蘿蔔,好似買返屋企做餸咁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-04-28
去完太安樓間泰軒,順便過嚟試下呢間OPENRICE話全港味道最好的牛雜去到唔係好肯定係牛雜佬,但行勻全場,只有呢間牛雜,而且見D碟同呢度D相一樣,所以相信應該就是牛雜佬了.間店上面招牌叫"小太陽".唔係果區的人要注意下了買左$20外賣,即時食返幾舊,果然唔錯,味道比第二名的油麻地廟街牛雜要清,同樣價錢下,份量亦稍多,果然不負香港第一的美譽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-04-17
就像上篇食評所說,這店未結業啊。只是之前無端被擺上頭版後沒做生意一排,現在搬入了一點,但好味依舊。$20一碟甚麼都齊,最開心是吃到脆骨,黃昏後來總是賣光的。柚皮和各類牛雜都很入味,雖然我最愛的還是牛膀。滷汁很香,也不會吃得人很膩的感覺。太安樓那許多檔口食店,牛雜佬永遠是我的no.1,鴻記雞蛋仔也不敵他。一邊聽著老細「雜雜雜」的剪刀聲一邊吃這檔牛雜,總是很滿足的經驗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-02-25
呢間牛雜開左好多年雖然早排好似俾人投訴衛生欠佳不過食左咁多年都唔見有d咩事食咁多年都屹立不倒~應該差極都有個譜ge~仲有牛雜即叫即剪~超級快手~呢間牛雜的味道好好味~而且唔貴~~如果只買一串就$8~通常我會買一盒$20 再同2,3個frd share~咁樣好似多款d~~呢d牛雜, 牛味重、口感爽有時會有牛脆骨~~脆脆的~好過癮~記住試埋佢d蘿白同柚皮~炆得好入味ga!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)