5-min walk from Exit A, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 19:30
Mon - Sat
06:30 - 19:30
07:00 - 14:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
見到咁多人排隊以為都ok,點知大家都係貪方便,揀完三文治就等埋杯咖啡,等左成10分鐘,見係我後面嘅人都走晒都仲未有我嘅,問大把打尖唔講,一問阿姐又拎到俾我,最後連我份三文治都俾人攞埋,最後求其塞一份俾我。諗住杯咖啡好飲都算,點知係中!大!伏!超淡味,勁難飲,又唔夠熱,飲左兩啖就掉左,食到一肚氣三文治加咖啡盛惠$32,我情願去食個早餐都冇咁嬲,垃圾到暈,奉勸大家唔好俾條隊呃左,佢只係食正個方便嘅地鐵站位先多人,7仔杯咖啡都好過佢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
店員好nice, 明明開咁耐第一次食, 但係好有親切感。我啱啱收好啲錢就出到餐。個包普通地好食, 但係咖啡係意外驚喜。 唔知係咪因為個店員嗰句噓寒問暖, 杯咖啡好飲到我覺得今日會好順利。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-12
每次行過這路段都聞到小店傳出來的咖啡味,今次停下來看看有什麼賣的,咖啡應是主打,餐牌上標示出不同種類的咖啡品種,此外還有特飲。除了飲品也有賣吃的,有熱狗包,多士,凍櫃內也有一些三文治、鮮榨果汁和沙律杯。因為今天不肚餓,沒有幫襯買咖啡和包類,只買了一個什果沙律杯回家。沙律用透明杯裝,可以看到五顏六色的食材。回家打開仔細見,面層放滿了蟹柳粒,紅噹噹很搶眼,下面就有其他什果粒粒,放杯內難吃到下層,我倒到碟子上吃,什麼材料一目了然,有紅蘿蔔、紅蘋果、青瓜、菠蘿、桃、粟米、薯仔、烚蛋半隻。顏色美觀吸引食慾,薯仔肉眼看似雪梨,吃進口才知道是薯仔,這沙律杯味道清甜,除了薯仔和蟹柳,其他粒粒爽口,沙律汁也不會多得變成糊,稀稀薄薄又恰到好處,每粒食材都掛上一些,份量剛剛好,夏天吃開胃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-07-28
紅嚐坊嘅咖啡飲咗好多年🌟🌟🌟由以前喺荃灣南豐室內到而家喺南風外圍每次經過都有陣陣咖啡香☕️🥰最鍾意飲佢哋嘅牛奶咖啡👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻入口順滑,最鍾意佢哋嘅咖啡唔會帶酸味😋而且價錢非常親民👌🏻咁多年以來價錢都冇乜變而且佢哋嘅蒜蓉多士即叫即整👌🏻5分鐘即刻有得食蒜蓉多到爆炸仲有多士有成吋幾厚而且多士金黃色卜卜脆🌟每次一整完拎到上手明知熱到辣手,都忍唔住即刻擺落口 👍🏻希望呢種有質素嘅小店長做長有👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-04-29
My friend told me that this small shop provides many type of coffee.Finally i passed by today.More than 20 types of coffee and i didn't know what's the different.When i was confusing, I saw the today's special.I asked the boss, any recommendation not so bitter?She also recommended me this and said not so bitter.Today's special: HonurasAlso got the analysis chart.Then let me try it, and see how special you are? Honuras (Ice): $24 - The price is reasonable.Smells quite good.Taste is a bit mild, maybe because of the ice.Next time i would like to try the  hot one. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)