Restaurant: | 良記美食 |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
3-min walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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I am currently trying the eateries at Tai O Building so tried this place.Basically you just choose two items with rice so I chose the fried fish and the egg and tomato.The egg and tomato at the next stall looks better but I will try that later.Anyway, the egg and tomato here was a bit sweet and the fried fish was surprisingly good because it remained crispy after travelling.Most lunch boxes weigh the same but the lunch boxes here are so heavy and dense that it is amazing how much rice they compacted in the box!!!The menu was quite pretty and I liked the way they put effort into sticking crystals to make it sparkly!
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上次食評介紹過,食記美食在太安樓內同一條街中,連開三間舖。呢間係堂食的,另外兩間在對面舖,主打外賣,每日為附近街坊提供十多款主家餸菜和老火豬骨湯。單餸飯$25盒,雙餸飯則$33盒,方便無飯主婦和上班一族解決一餐所需。另外,若嫌家中不夠餸菜,也可買淨餸,單餸$33而雙餸$50。小店的外賣舖佔有相連的兩個舖位,每日提供十多款餸菜蠻吸引的,有生炒骨、咖哩雞、豬肉餅、雞中翼、炸魚塊、魚香茄子、蕃茄蛋、清炒西蘭花、麻婆豆腐、白菜仔、蒸魚等,任君選擇。每次路過,總見街坊大排長龍,有老有嫩,片刻熱門餸菜旋即售罄。以一塊薄布掩蓋的廚房中,不時見背心赤臂男子正在拋鑊煮餸。 17.3.2014 小妹要了白汁炸魚塊、鹹蛋豬肉餅飯$33,飯餸的份量確是不賴的,滿滿塞了一大盒,絕不欺場﹗炸魚塊雖稱不上熱辣燙口,但薄漿內有厚身魚肉,咬下香口且夠味,算是不錯。白汁則僅屬一般貨色,拌飯同吃,聊勝於無。鹹蛋豬肉餅中的鹹蛋未算精品,鹹香油份稍遜。最致命的是豬肉餅本身 – 不鮮美也﹗雖則大大件,看似又多汁豐腴,肥瘦肉比例得宜,然咀嚼下味道怪怪的,又沒有鮮肉味兒。好味鮮味的肉餅飯,還是灣仔食物站的出品最為出色﹗25.3.14 再次光顧,要了糖醋豬扒和魚香茄子飯$33,色澤有金黃又淡紫,煞是好看﹗可見,油光四溢,油膩膩的,邪惡指數十級﹗店家實是頗為闊綽的,小妹要求少飯,魚香茄子幾乎塞滿了大半個飯盒,糖醋豬扒也有5塊之多。這百物騰貴的年代,三十三大元有如此豐盛飯盒,確實少見,莫怪乎每日顧客來去如鯽。當然,這可歸因於太安樓的租金較相宜之故了。色澤明亮鮮艷的糖醋豬扒沾有薄薄的麵粉,咬下外層香酥帶甜、內層軟腍入味,口感味道均不錯。不過,酸醋味兒較為遜色了少許。小店的魚香茄子加入了大量豬肉碎同煮,可增加口感。然,此餸沒有鹹魚碎和辣椒,故醬汁全無鹹香帶微辣的鲜美惹味魚香味道可言。幸醬汁仍是甜中帶鹹的,用以佐飯一流。
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