8-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 03:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
Level4 2024-10-27
🇭🇰 Tai Kok Tsui 大角咀|辣酒燒Tai Kok Tsui may not be a popular dining destination but it sure does have some hidden gems 💎 and here is one famous for their pepper roasted pork bone soup and noodles! 🍜 I gave it a try, along with a variety of skewers 🍢 and here are my thoughts:🐖 Signature Pepper Roasted Pork Bone Soup and Noodles 🍜 This is a must-try for everyone! 👍 The pepper flavour is very strong 💪 and I love that the skin of the roasted pork is very crispy! 🥹 The noodles are also soaked with the heavy pork bone broth, which is further enhanced by the pepper flavour! 😋🍄‍🟫 Truffle Soft-boiled Egg 🥚 As a truffle lover, this is a must-try! They added so many truffles 🍄‍🟫 on top that they tasted so heavy and the eggs were so soft that they melted in your mouth! 🤤I also try quite some of their skewers 🍢 along with the noodles, including: lamb, 🐑 diced beef , 🥩 chicken wings, 🍗 grilled enoki with tin foil, 🍄‍🟫 Taiwanese sausage, and roasted eggplant, 🍆 which I always order when I am having skewers! 😆 They all are grilled perfectly, 🔥 while I love that they added garlic 🧄 and some spice on top, elevating the taste to more than grill flavour! 😌🦆 Foie Gras French Toast 🦆Apart from truffles, another fancy food ingredient that I like is foie gras 🦆 and pairing it with french toast and honey like they do, makes a delicious treat! 😆 It was oily and flavourful, which I love so much! 🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-17
今晚再次黎到大角咀,上一次踏足大角咀時,經過了一間店舖裝修特別,今次就一於入去試下有咩食先🤭美食推介:👍🏻💛招牌胡椒豬骨湯燒肉卷粉:湯底胡椒味非常濃郁,卷粉質地似河粉,第一次食卷粉,口感得意😊,招牌菜果然係好食😋💛招牌炒米粉:炒米粉非常香口,選了雞絲口味,好味程度是一啖接一啖,大推👍🏻💛原條燒茄子:大大隻茄子,以爆多蒜蓉一起燒,多汁惹味👍🏻必食之選👍🏻💛燒雞軟骨、雞腎:雞軟骨是我最愛串燒之一,脆口的軟骨,而雞腎也非常一流,不會太乾,送酒必選👍🏻💛燒雞中翼:雞翼每隻也燒得脆卜卜,好食😋💛燒娃娃菜、尖椒:第一次食燒娃娃菜,估不到又好好食👍🏻尖椒辣辣地,非常香口👍🏻💛司華力腸、燒芥末貢丸:司華力腸皮脆,啖啖肉,芥末貢丸,咬一口便充滿芥末的味道,辣辣地👍🏻💛燒菠蘿:酸酸甜甜菠蘿加上一層脆脆的焦糖👍🏻*餐廳需小,可以訂位留枱👍🏻 *價錢超便宜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-15
係ig 見到有人推介呢間小店 放工之後就即刻過嚟試吓。 第一次試下捲粉 有彈牙口感 而燒肉梗係成碗粉嘅靈魂啦🤤🤤 燒肉有別於一般燒肉 多一種火炙嘅口感 入口後有一陣迴香 加埋濃度適中嘅湯底 食到人lam lam 脷啊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-12
今日好需要搵同事傾下我的不快,所以搵左間專食小吃,一路講一路呻呀🤭本應想叫「招牌胡椒豬骨湯燒肉卷粉」 激死叫叫下忘記這款呀,是這裡的名物呀🙂 「川燒韭菜」入哂味呀!有四川辣的感覺,爽呀「原條燒茄子」燒出來剛好,有水份🙂 而且好肥好多肉「燒小蕃薯」食串燒我必叫,因為細細粒好粉團口感🤭「燒墨魚丸」是爽口墨魚🦑,野味☺️「燒腸仔」係兒時回憶,太耐無燒嘢食,正呀「燒雞中翼」點少得佢,燒得剛好,內裡肉質仍有水份🙂「蒜蓉牛油燒大虎蝦」大隻而且加左蒜蓉🙂「XO醬炒烏冬」正呀!炒出來好香食串燒唔夠喉,叫這款炒野也唔錯👍🏻特別想講下汽水,好懷舊感的支裝汽水❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-29
間唔中都會想去大角咀呢個小區發掘一啲小店😆 前排去咗平日都full場嘅串燒小店👉🏼 辣酒燒🍻➿ 涼拌尖椒皮蛋 ($28)皮蛋部份流心😋 蒜味+辣味+彩椒同皮蛋都幾夾丫,份量唔少,相對其他連鎖,係抵食啲嘅!➿ 原條燒茄子 ($35)居酒屋必叫之一😌 夠多蒜🧄 一定要同熟人一齊些牙,食完互相臭住對方👄➿ 燒牛柳粒 ($22)➿ 燒牛舌心 ($38)鐵飯腳大讚牛舌心處理得啱啱好,做到軟腍同爽口之間嘅口感👍🏼➿ 招牌炒蜆 ($108)炒蜆係港式大排檔style😆 隻隻入味,而且蜆肉新鮮大隻!98%都係開口㗎,良心小店啊~➿ 招牌胡椒豬骨湯燒肉卷粉 ($42)我覺得係必叫的🌟 特別係喺呢個季節❄️ 胡椒味真係濃到不得了,超級暖身!燒肉份量都幾多,皮又脆😋 卷卷粉滑捋捋得嚟帶點口感~➿ 𝑨𝒔𝒂𝒉𝒊 啤酒 ($25)喺居酒屋唔啤一啤,天理不容呀🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)