Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
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Signature Dishes
椒鹽銀魚仔 鳳凰卷
Review (4)
Level2 2016-10-14
肉鬆 同蛋 係我由細到大都樂鐘意食既食物 所以加埋一齊 好鐘意食😍每次見到肉鬆鳳凰卷都會買黎食 雖然明知佢勁肥 但係依然會去食😋😋😋果日跟他去南丫島行下 為食既我梗係唔小得係架船到睇openrice 同佢講 要食呢樣呢樣🙈初初係榕樹灣果邊見唔到有得賣 有啲失望 去到另一邊 臨上船 見到有得賣 梗係即刻買得試啦一開 有啲失望 見到佢偏啡 有啲濃 同一般機制既好唔同 鬆脆好多 勁易碎🙈食落口感好鬆脆 好薄 而且仲好多料 好多肉鬆係入面 絕對冇偷工減料🙈 仲有好香既蛋味 手制果然唔同啲😋👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Thanks to Sinmei for these delicious crunchies from Lamma Island.They are basically crispy salt and pepper silvers fishes.I really liked them because they smell really fishy and you can taste the salt and pepper too.They taste so much nicer than the crispy fishes in Indonesian and Singaporean dishes because those ones taste bitter. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-12-16
香港離島確是滿佈寶藏,金卷出品便是其中一物。這裏的肉鬆鳳凰卷使我印象難忘,它的外層香脆之餘又鬆化無比,入口則傳來幽幽雞蛋香,肉鬆份量絕無偷工減料,一絲一絲鹹鹹的非常誘人。細看發現鳳凰卷的形狀不規則,查問才知道是人手製造,相比機器出品可能顯得不工整,但這些有心思及富人情味的食物,實在應該加以鼓勵! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-04-27
2010年4月25日 ( 4-2 ) ( 金卷食品 - 1 ) 南丫島之旅 今天飲食行程:( 大家樂 - 金卷食品 - 仁記 - 金星餐廳 )今日,天陰,風勢頗大,非常適合登山的好天氣,從索罟灣展開了南丫島登山之旅,這裡山勢並不高,一個早上已攀越了南丫島兩座最高的山,菱角山及陰山,遊過山上著名的陽元石、陰元石、手指石、胎兒石及紡錘石等名石,中午過後,已經回到索罟灣,經過這店時,看見很多遊人正在買手信,山友們也來趁熱鬧,我也選購了一些回家。肉鬆鳳凰卷:($20元一盒10隻)鳳凰卷Size大小不一,應該是手製的關係,即場試吃時,那香脆感真是超正!肉鬆好味。回家再吃時,仍然脆口,鳳凰卷,愈早吃,感覺會愈好,雖然,今天感覺蛋香似遜當年?但仍屬可口的!椒鹽銀魚仔:($30元盒)銀魚仔炸到好酥脆,椒鹽味香濃,味道香口吸引,仍然是很有水準,一吃難以收口,銀魚仔:牠擁有着令人一試停不了的魅力,不過,熱氣或喉嚨易出事者,就要小吃為妙了。其實,這店幾年前也光顧過,印象深刻,味道難忘,今天的銀魚仔水準依然,而鳳凰卷還有很多Fans呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)